Gifu World Rose Garden

old name : Hana Festa Kinen Koen (Flower Festival Commemorative Park)

↓ Addition from here (October 11, 2021) ↓
Hana Festa Kinen Koen (Flower Festival Commemorative Park) was renamed to "Gifu World Rose Garden" on October 9, 2021.
In this article, I'm continued using its old name, sorry.
↑ End of addition (October 11, 2021) ↑

Hana Festa Kinen Koen (Flower Festival Commemorative Park) is the prefectural park themed the flower, in Kani City, Gifu Prefecture (admission is charged). It is very wide, and has facilities, gardens and connecting-them promenades arranged taking advantage of the hilly terrain.

Various plants have been planted in the park, among them, the roses are especially substantial, the park has multiple rose gardens.

viewing the rose garden of the park from the parking lot of East gate (shooting in October, 2019) : 園内のバラ園を東ゲート駐車場から望む(2019年10月撮影)

In addition to caring for plants, the park is also focusing on seasonal flower-centered events. Among them, the rose festival held in spring and autumn is very spectacular. Every rose gardens have each theme, it is fun to view them decorated according the theme, also we can enjoy the rose scent to the fullest only by walking around.

The park holds other events beside the rose festival.

As annual events, it is fascinated that nemophila in the spring and sunflower in the summer are in full bloom all over Katarai Hiroba (open space), and then the halloween event in the autumn and the illumination event in the winter are held, so we can enjoy funny decorations everywhere in the park.

Displays and decorations are given with seasonal themes also in the greenhouse, and depending the theme, a little shooting spot can be given.

Plants in flowerbeds are also replanted every season, the group planting and their color schemes are great.

the view with the flowerbeds in autumn 2019 : 2019年秋の花壇の様子

There are ponds and hills in the park, promenades are also stretched enough to go around them.

Along promenades, it may be more modest than rose gardens and flowerbeds, but we can walk while enjoying the view with wildflowers and the scent of trees. Also, the seasonal flowers are planted on the slanting surfaces such as the banks of the pond, we can see the charm of flowers that is a bit different from flowerbeds.

seasonal flowers also on the slanting surface along the promenade by the pond : 池の畔の遊歩道脇の斜面にも季節の花々が
there is also the shaded promenade : 木陰の遊歩道もあります

There is also the observation tower where we can enjoy the view of these great gardens from the sky. The tower's shape is very unique. In the part that extends horizontally on the top floor of the tower, there is the eating and drinking corner, we can enjoy the view while taking a break. In addition, there is also the outdoor observatory at the tip of the top floor, there is recommended for those who want to enjoy the view while feeling the wind, not through the windows.

If you are not good at high places just like me, you may try to shooting this uniquely shaped tower from on the ground. I'm sure you can enjoy it because this tower has a shape that is rarely seen anywhere else.

we can view rose gardens from the sky by climbing the uniquely shaped tower : 個性的な形の展望タワーからはバラ園を上から楽しめます

There are other facilities besides the observatory tower.

The open hall near the rose garden has many benches, used by a lot of people who eat lunch at noon. In the case of being used for the event, it is free for view and is used for participatory events, I hear.

Near the Western gate, there are the restaurant and the flower seedling shop, and also the facility where we can learn about roses while having fun. In the facility, then learning about roses happily, further we can also enjoy shopping nice items as a souvenir at a sales corner.

Besides them, there are various facilities such a facility where we can experience crafts using flowers, in the first place the park is wide, so it may be hard to enjoy all firmly in one time. I recommend to enjoy at your own pace by using a bus that goes around the park or changing the course to go around every season.

the open event hall of the park : 園内にある開放型のイベントホール
we can also use a bus that goes around the park (a bus in this photo is decorated for the autumn event in 2019) : 園内を走るバスもあります(写真は2019年秋のイベント用装飾)

In addition to that.

As I already wrote at the beginning, Hana Festa Kinen Koen is often introduced mainly in rose gardens, but there are actually other trees I want to recommend everyone to see. Those are Hitotsubatago (Chionanthus retusus) and Shide Kobushi (Magnolia Stellata) that grow naturally in Tono region (Eastern Mino region), Gifu Prefecture, and Handkerchief tree (Davidia) that has a unique-shaped flower. Hana Festa Kinen Koen telles us the best time to see flowers including these trees on its official Instagram.

Besides, the best time to see flowers is not the only attraction of this park. While flowers are not blooming, staff of the park are caring for the plants. It is very interesting to see how they care plants (pruning, replanting, and more). Especially persons who like gardening will be able to enjoy and refer to how to care as well as ingenuities of contents and arrangement and decorations of group planting in flowerbeds and the greenhouse, maybe, I think.

Click here for the official site.

*** in Japanese ***


↓ ここから追記(2021年10月11日)↓
↑ ここまで追記(2021年10月11日)↑




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