About & Attention


about this blog

logo of Aimu's Aimless Articles

"Aimu's Aimless Articles" is a blog as a hobby to post articles with photos taken and texts written by the author, Aimu Mochizuki. I (the author : Aimu Mochizuki) may be going to increase and decrease the categories on this blog depending on my whims and my level of English ability. I use the word "Aimless" in the blog-name to imply my whim.

Now, for Privacy policy, Disclaimer, and Contact me, please check on each pages.

about the author

profile image of Aimu Mochizuki

I (Aimu Mochizuki) am a Japanese housewife. I decided to study English again after childcare, and started to write articles on this blog. In English, I am very poor at listening and speaking, but I can read and write with the help of Google Translate and the English-Japanese dictionary. Whether in English or Japanese, if you find something strange in my texts, please let me know and tell me right one.

about categories

I use the Blogger's label function to categorize my articles on this blog. On this blog, of the multiple labels I use, those that equivalent to the major classification are called "categories". I attach one "category" label to each of articles. As like categories, I may be going to increase and decrease the labels on this blog depending on my whims.

distributing for free
Categorizing the articles about my photos you can download for free at Pixabay. In each article, there is the link to the page for download.
Categorizing the articles about the word written on this blog that I want to explain for. If the subject of my explain has its official site, there is the link to it in each article.
tarot collection
Categorizing the articles introducting the tarot I collected. In addition, I post the images of only "Death" cards of those major arcana in the article, and study the notion of Life and Death of the supervisors and creators from those pictures. I am neither a fortune teller nor a researcher, so I only write within "feeling by looking the picture."
Categorizing articles that I write freely, such as essays, thoughts, memories, and diaries.


copyright of the texts

The texts of this blog, both English and Japanese, are copyrighted by me, Aimu Mochizuki. Therefore, do not reprint, divert or cite them without my permission.

copyright of the images

The images of this blog excluding the images of cards and decks introduced in articles of the category "tarot collection" are copyrighted by me, Aimu Mochizuki. Therefor, do not reprint, use them, or link directly to them. However, only the photos on the articles in the category "distributing for free" are waived of copyright and distributed for free on Pixabay. If you want, clicking the link in each article to go to the download-page in Pixabay, please download according to the terms of Pixabay.

In addition, the decks and cards introduced in the article of the category "tarot collection" are copyrighted by their respective supervisors, creators and publishers. I post these images only to make the contents in the articles easier to understand, not to infringe the copyright of those supervisors, creators or publishers. Please understand, and never reprint, use, or link-directly.

linking to this blog

This site is link free. However, the URL of each article may change without the notice. Therefore, please be sure to link to the Home URL:


As I say "Aimless" in the blog-name, I may be going to add or delete categories and labels, correct, rewrite or delete my articles without notice or notification. Therefore, I may be going to correct, rewrite, add or delete the contents of this About & Attention. Please accept that previously.

*** in Japanese ***



「Aimu's Aimless Articles」は、筆者:望月あいむによる写真や文章を掲載している趣味ブログです。カテゴリは、筆者の気まぐれと英語力次第で、増えたり減ったりします。そういう気まぐれさを仄めかすべく、「Aimless」(目的がない)という単語をブログ名にて使っています。






distributing for free 無料配布中の写真
note 注釈
tarot collection タロット13番地
miscellaneous 雑文





カテゴリ「tarot collection」で紹介するカードとデッキの画像を除いた当ブログの画像は、望月あいむに著作権があります。絶対に転載・使用・直リンクしないでください。但し、カテゴリ「distributing for free」に属する記事の写真に限り、著作権を放棄し、Pixabayにて無料配布しています。記事内のリンク先にて、Pixabayの規約に従ってダウンロードした上で、ご利用ください。

なお、カテゴリ「tarot collection」の記事で紹介したデッキとカードは、それぞれの製作者や出版社が著作権を有しています。筆者はこれらの画像を、文章の内容を理解しやすくするためにのみ、掲載しています。決して製作者や出版社の著作権を侵害するためではありません。ご理解いただき、転載・使用・直リンクは絶対にしないでください。


当ブログはリンクフリーですが、各記事は予告なくURLが変更になる場合があります。そのため、必ずHomeのURL( https://aimnotboy.blogspot.com )にリンクするよう、よろしくお願いいたします。

