

Established : April 18, 2020
Last updated : April 24, 2020

I (the author : Aimu Mochizuki) operate this blog ("Aimu's Aimless Articles") on Blogger. I inform you of the disclaimer. By your using this blog, I assume that you accept the disclaimer on this page.

Accuracy and legality of informations

I strive to post information that is as accurate as possible on this blog. I may correct, add, or delete the information and images on this blog without notifying you. However, I may include incorrect information in the post, or the information may become outdated. I cannot guarantee that the information on this blog is accurate.

In addition, I am a Japanese and writes articles based on my ethical and moral sense as a Japanese, in accordance with Japanese law. As such, informations on this blog are not necessarily recognized worldwide as ethical, moral, or legal.


I may, at our discretion, disapprove and delete comments containing:

  • Slandering a specific individual or corporation
  • Containing extremely obscene content
  • Causing damage or disadvantage to a third person or this blog
  • Damaging the trust or honor of a third person or this blog
  • Others that should not be approved, such as against public order and morals

Liability for damage

I cannot be responsible for any damages caused by the information posted on this blog. If you move from this blog to another site by a link or banner, I cannot be responsible for the information, services, etc. provided on the destination site, too.

I cannot be responsible for any damage caused to you due to maintenance of this blog, fire, power outage, other natural disasters, force majeure such as virus or third person obstruction. Please enjoy this blog at your own risk.

Change to this disclaimer

This disclaimer is effective as of the date of enactment and the latest update described at the top of the page​ and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page.

I reserve the right to update or change the disclaimer at any time and you should check this page periodically. Your continued use of this blog after I post any modifications to the disclaimer on this page will constitute your acknowledgment of the modifications and your consent to abide and be bound by the modified disclaimer.

Contact me

If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact me using the email form.

*** in Japanese ***



「Aimu's Aimless Articles」(以下「当ブログ」)における免責事項は、下記の通りです。当ブログをご利用になることにより、このページの免責事項に同意したものと見なされます。






  • 特定の個人または法人を誹謗中傷するもの
  • 極度にわいせつな内容を含むもの
  • 第三者や当サイトに対し、損害や不利益を与えるもの
  • 第三者や当サイトの信用や名誉を傷つける恐れのあるもの
  • その他、公序良俗に反するなど、承認すべきでないと認められるコメント







