Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Established: April 19, 2020
Latest update: April 23, 2020

I (the author : Aimu Mochizuki) operate this blog "Aimu's Aimless Articles" on Blogger. Blogger comes with Google Analytics. Therefore, I collect and use the personal information of visitors according to the terms of Blogger and Google Analytics.

I recognize that personal information is important and use it only for the operation and improvement of this blog. I do not sell the personal information to third parties or third persons. I handle personal information that you enter in comments and email forms in the same way.

However, no method of exchanging and storing data on the internet is 100% secure. Please understand that previously, and enjoy this blog at your own risk.

For more details, I follow the privacy policies of Blogger and Google Analytics.

If you have any questions, please contact me using the email form on the "Contact me" page.

*** in Japanese ***



当ブログ「Aimu's Aimless Articles」は、筆者(望月あいむ)がBloggerにて運営しているブログです。BloggerにはGoogle Analyticsが搭載されています。それに伴い、筆者はBloggerとGoogle Analyticsの規約に従って、訪問者さまの個人情報を収集・使用しています。



詳細につきましては、 BloggerとGoogle Analyticsのプライバシーポリシーに基づきます。

ご不明な点などございましたら、Contact meページにあるメールフォームからお問い合わせください。