Frequent earthquakes in the Chubu region

Frequent earthquakes in the Chubu region

Earthquakes have repeatedly occurred near the border between Gifu and Nagano prefectures in the past few days. Most of the earthquakes are small, but I'm worried. Because the epicenter is very close to that of the big earthquake on the day after the Great East Japan Earthquake. I've heard that a big earthquake will occur again in some years in the place where a huge earthquake of the disaster level occurred. This year is nine years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and the great earthquake in Nagano Prefecture. There may be a "shaking back" soon...I feel anxiousness about that.

When I feel anxiousness, I consciously look at the plants. The plants cannot move from the place where it sprouted. So no matter what happens, they are living hard in that place. When I see such plants, I become to feel embarrassed that I can't do anything because I'm frightened by a big earthquake that hasn't occurred yet, and I think to do my best. Then, I want to thank everything for being alive today and to say thank you to the earth that supports everything.

Being able to thank someone is very happy. Because I have a feeling that I am alive and that I have a connection with other people. And, I also feel the able that I may be needed by others. Being able to thank everything for living today and the land I live may mean that I am needed by "now and here"...when I think so, I feel that I am also forgiven of myself, who is frightened and anxiousness. And I shall want to be kind to somebody. Being kind to someone or wanting to do it makes my heart lighter. My anxiety and fear are reduced and I gradually begin to relieve my stress.

Currently, I refrain from going out as a countermeasure against COVID-19, but I am able to experience healing, such as plants in the garden, street trees and flower beds that I see during shopping. I thank everything very much. Anxiety, fear, and worries never go away, but I want to stray them and enjoy what I can do.

*** in Japanese ***





現在は新型コロナウイルス流行への対策で外出を自粛していますが、庭の植物や買い物途中で見かける街路樹や花壇など、私は癒しに触れることができています。とてもありがたいことです。 不安や怯え、心配は完全に消えることはありませんが、それをいなし、できることを精一杯楽しみたいです。
