Sogi Koen (Sogi Park)

Sogi Koen (Sogi Park) : 曽木公園 2

Sogi Koen (Sogi Park) : 曽木公園 1

This park is in Sogi-cho, Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, is located along National Route 363. It is a little away from the center of Toki city, we can enjoy the quiet atmosphere and relaxing time in the mountains.

There are old artificial ponds and waterways in this park, and taking a walk, we can see the scenery of the four seasons on the surface of the water. The autumn leaves are especially beautiful, and there is also an event where we can enjoy the fantastic sight of them illuminated at night.

There are also a hot spring facility, a horseback riding class, and a bakery nearby, and they make the area around Sogi Park a popular spot for people of the surrounding towns.

Click here for the official website.

*** in Japanese ***





