Moririi-no uranai, Fukorotto card set

Moririi's fortune-telling, Fukorotto cards set


Code No. : None
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor and author : unknown
Creator : JINCO (?)
Seller : Bandai
Release date : unknown

  • Because this deck is sold as a toy for children, it doesn't have the ISBN cord.
  • Because it is a product for children, based on tarot and arranged for the purpose that "it forecasts the percentage and the trend of misfortune", some cards of it are changed the name or the design significantly.
  • I got this deck came with a storage case made of clear pink plastic, but I damaged the case because my storage condition has been bad.
  • This deck comes with a commentary booklet.
  • There is a fortune-telling website that use this deck as of May 2020, but it will be closed to service on December 2020, so I don't post its URL here.

FUKOU of モリリーの占いフコロットカードセット

Although "Death" is drawn on the No.13 card in the tarot, in this deck, "Moririi, the girl telling the misfortune" that is main-motif of it is. Moririi is smiling nasty as if that she is telling us "you are misfortune no matter what you do".

When I saw this card for the first time, I felt suspicious, "is it okay to be such this design although this deck is a product for children?".

I can't say that this girl named "Moririi" is a generally favored character, even for flattery. She tells us not only "misfortune" but also "a key to avoid the misfortune", nethertheless she is designed to be difficult to feel such her kindness, such as her eyebrow shapes, her one-side high corner of mouth and her shineless eyes. In addition, she stands upon the card's title "Fukou (misfortune)" and is pointing at herself just as if saying "it's about me".

If by beforehand understanding this deck's theme "for forecasting the percentage and the trend of misfortune", we may be able to look this picture as "the picture that the girl who familiar with misfortune tells us the key for avoidance misfortune". But, if by unknowing or forgetting it, the girl in this picture may be able to be looked like nearing for doing mean.

As a matter of fact, I have kept this deck away long time and forgotten its theme, and when I looked at this card again, I remembered a classmate girl I havn't liked in elementary school because of her meanness. In elementary school age, she showed good friends with everyone of the class in the scene where adults were watching, but in not such the scene, she made her friend group to make some classmates stupid, in addition, by saying bad words to targets more than anyone else, she was trying to become the group leader. Because I was on the side of being said bad, the face of that mean girl looked such as this Moririi's expression.

Almost people dislike activities or smiles that comes with somebody's heart wound. The aforementioned classmate girl, in junior high school age, was losing members of her group, and was disliked as "just noisy gal" by most of the same grade students. Also, as far as I remember, this deck quickly disappeared from the sales floor of toys, too.

However, the "Death" card of tarot also makes viewers feel fear or eerie, and has the role for that, I think. Looking based on that, Moririi of this card is playing that role enough, and for children, she could be a good example who not to be.

Aside from achievements as a toy for children, but in the spirit and attitude to choice the no other theme and to produce this deck thoroughly based on the theme, there is what to follow, I think.

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:22枚
監 修:不明
作 画:JINCO (?)

  • 玩具として発売されたデッキのため、出版コードはありません。
  • 子供向け商品ということで、タロットをベースにして「不幸のパーセンテージとその不幸の傾向を予報する」という趣旨でアレンジされ、中には名称や絵柄が大きく変更されているカードもあります。
  • 透明なピンク色のプラスチック製の外箱がありましたが、保存状態が悪くて破損しました。
  • 解説が書かれたブックレット付きです。
  • 2020年5月現在このデッキを用いたオンラインサービスがありますが、2020年12月で終了予定のためURLは掲載しません。









