Progress of making a tunic with motifs tether

Crocheting little and little, I made the neckline and sleeve lines in middle of June. In the next, I'm going to crochet with thinking how long to make dress length. So, to concentrate on motif crocheting I finished crocheting edges of neckline and sleeve lines.

I crocheted up to this : ここまで編めました
the edge with basic Bruegel lace knitting : 縁編みは基本的なブリューゲルレース

I choiced Bruegel lace for crocheting the edge of neckline and sleeve lines as directed by the book of design collection. This is my first Bruegel lace knitting. Here and there are ragged stitches, but I don't worry them, I don't mind.

Although I'm planning to make a little wider lace on only the edge of hem, it's not a matter I need to decide immediately. Now, I concentrate to crochet motif. Now on, I will continue to crochet motif of the body part of a tunic.

*** in Japanese ***



