
an enshrined hall of Yakushi Nyorai at Sakurado-Yakushi : 桜堂薬師の薬師堂

Sakurado-Yakushi in Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture was the enshrined hall of Yakushi Nyorai (buddha able to cure all ills) of a temple named "Zuio-zan Homyoji" in the old days. ("Sakurado-Yakushi" is pronounced "sa-ku-ra-doh-ya-ku-shi", "Zuio-zan Homyoji" is pronounced "zui-oh-zan-hoh-myoh-ji".)

That temple had a long history, I heard that it became widely known because in 710 the princess of the Emperor at that time prayed for the cure of her disease and her pray came true. Then, that area had many enshrined halls, temples and pilgrim’s lodgings were built, and became the place of many monks' ascetic practice. But, in later time of that, that temple had abandoned due to the war damages or epidemics.

Currently, only the enshrined hall of Yakushi Nyorai that was the central hall of that temple, that temple's gate and an enshrined hall of Kannon that relocated from the foot of Mount Byobu (pronounced "Byoh-bu") are left there, but medieval Japanese precious buddha statues are enshrined in those buildings, and even now they are cherished by local people as one of 33 sacred places in Mizunami.

the front side of an enshrined hall of Yakushi Nyorai : 薬師堂正面
a temple gate at Sakurado-Yakushi : 桜堂薬師山門
Niou Guardian (open-mouthed form) in a temple gate : 山門の仁王像(阿形)
Niou Guardian (close-mouthed form) in a temple gate : 山門の仁王像(吽形)
weeping cherry blossoms at Sakurado-Yakushi : 桜堂薬師の枝垂れ桜


Because it has been cultivated in a long history, Sakurado-Yakushi has some anecdoutes and legends. In them, my most favorite story is the legend that "Hiyoshi and Tsukiyoshi exterminated an evil dragon". Here, I introduce it briefly.

Long long ago, Around Sakurado in Toki Village (current Toki-cho in Mizunami City), there was a large pond (like a swamp) where a terrible evil dragon was living in. The evil dragon attacked surrounding villages and annoyed people there.
One night, two young men named Hiyoshi and Tsukiyoshi living nearby villages had the same misterious dream. In the dream, Nyorai-buddha said them, "exterminate the evil dragon to help people in those villages".
Two young men obeyed the annunciation, made bow and arrows with bamboo and bamboo grass, went to the pond.
When two men came the pond, the evil dragon showed up and attacked them. Two young men shot arrows to the evil dragon's mouth (eyes in another theory) and exterminated it splendidly.
The evil dragon's body fell into the pond and heaped the ground up to be the land. Two young men built a hall on there and enshrined the Nyorai-buddha who told them in their dream.
Since that, every villages of Hiyoshi, Tsukiyoshi and Toki had prospered with each other, said is.

In this legend, features and connections of Hiyoshi, Tsukiyoshi and Sakurado three villages in Mizunami are hidden, so I'm interesting.

For example, Sakurado area where the evil dragon lived in the legend is the area where some small tributaries flow into Toki River the main stream, and is designated as a flood hazard area even now. In that area, there is a place named "Kono (pronounced 'koh-no')". "Kono" means "arrows of God and buddha", because a lot of bamboo grass with the best property to make arrow axis were thicking there, I heard.

In addition, in Hiyoshi and Tsukiyoshi area, there were persons who made arrows for Kyudo (Japanese archery) until recent years. I hear that those persons mowed bamboo grass in the mountains for making arrows, sharpened them, and tried to shoot by themselves to choose better arrows. In the long time ago, they would also use bamboo grass of Kono perhaps.

Because I can image histories of community exchanges like this, I am favorite this legend.

Click here for the introducing page in the site of Mizunami City Tourism Association.

*** in Japanese ***


 岐阜県瑞浪市にある桜堂薬師は、昔は「瑞櫻山 法妙寺」という寺院の薬師堂でした。




