Toshi-no Mori (Toshi-no Mori Park)

Toshi-no Mori
(Toshi-no Mori Park : the park named after the traditional pottery and porcelain)

Toshi-no Mori is a park utilizing the hilly area, at the central area in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture. ("Toshi-no Mori" is pronounced "toh-shi-no-mo-ri".)

view of Toshi-no Mori from the parking lot : 駐車場からの眺め

Centering on the barbecue square along the stream, there are the animal breeding area where is sheep farm or rabbits hut, and the children square where is a large play equipment or a long roller slide, and bird watching hut utilizing the forest, therefore, whether families with children or groups of adults, we can easily enjoy the outdoors. In addition, there are many walking trails for connecting each area and roads around the park, we can enjoy little hiking.

barbecue square of Toshi-no Mori : バーベキュー広場
a sheep at sheep farm of Toshi-no Mori : 羊牧場の羊

Because Toki City has been a famous production center of pottery and porcelain since ancient times, walking trails are named from Japanese traditional pottery or porcelain such as Oribe, Ki-Seto or Shino. It is romantic and nice to ponder about the history or tradition of pottery and porcelain while enjoying to walk in the nature, isn't it?

Monument of Toshi-no Mori is made of pottery : モニュメントは陶磁器製

Of course, it is also very fun and recommended to feed rabbits in the animal breeding area or to play in the children square.

the large play equipment in children square of Toshi-no Mori : ちびっこ広場の大きな遊具
the long roller slide in children square of Toshi-no Mori : ちびっこ広場の長いローラー滑り台
the long roller slide is always popular : ローラー滑り台は人気です

Click here for the official website.

*** in Japanese ***


川沿いのバーベキュー広場を中心に、羊牧場やウサギ小屋などの動物飼育エリア、大きな遊具や長いローラー滑り台のあるちびっこ広場、山林を活かした野鳥観察小屋などがあり、小さな子供のいる家族も大人だけのグループも気軽にアウトドアを楽しめます。 また、各エリアと公園周辺の道路を繋ぐ遊歩道も多数あり、ちょっとした山歩きを楽しめます。

