Venus tarot card

Venus tarot cards


Code No. : None
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Moira Yuuki
Creator : Yuuichi Miyakawa
Publishing : Media division, AiiA Corporation
Publication date : unknown

  • Binding appendix of magazine "Chakra vol.4 (Extra number of March issue of Pakurosu)
  • 19 pages of explanation and how to use for this deck were from 039 page on the magazine, but I have already disposed it.

Death of ヴィーナスタロットカード

"Venus tarot card" is a deck whose motif is lady's love. Drawn pictures are illustrations expressing one scene or psycological state of lady in love. Those expressions are well related with meaning or keyword of tarot and are also finished beautifully as illustrations, so it's a nice deck.

On the "Death" card of such a deck, a black clothed lady is drawn. She is watching a skull put on her left hand in the smoke or clouds.

At the first glance this lady could look like the death god, but the death god is flying with a scythe in the sky behind her. Having brung the death is that death god, the lady is probably deceased's (maybe man) lover or wife. I can look like that she is mourning him in the black clothes putting her right hand on her chest.

I thought it was a picture depicting simply such a farewell with an important person, but at if looking closely I found something to concern.

The lady is wearing bracelets on her right arm and a round accessary with skull pattern on her head. Her black clothes I thought were mourning are sleeveless, it is hard to say it's reminiscents of her chastity.

They might be simply designed as a production. But let me dare to read deeply.

By her clothes with wide open collar enough to see the décolleté, I can associate she is seducting against the opposite sex without hiding her beauty. Also, because of her plural bracelets, I associate she has many assets not only to decorate herself. Originally she shouldn't put on them while she is mourning. Yet she chooses and puts on them, because in her heart she has desires for beauty, assets and the opposite sex, I feel that.

In addition to that, I concern the skull patterned accessory on her head. I was thinking "I wonder if she decided to live with memories of her lost lover" because the skull is a symbol of the dead. But, because it is also a symbol of the death god, I started thinking "she might have summoned the death god flying on her background". Her motivation may be her secret desires aforementioned, might not it?

As soon as I thought that, I started to feel like that her long hair that should be bundled while she was mourning was implying her freewheeling.

These are my arbitrary deep reading. Like this one, the fun to imagine various stories from a picture on a card, and the scary to glimpse hidden emotions in the heart of one who imaged those stories are also the real pleasure of enjoying tarot, aren't they?

Postscript : add on June 28, 2020

After posting this article, while reading back, I noticed I had read too deeply about this card and gone far off from the original meaning and keyword of the "Death" card of tarot. I think this text is no good as it is, so I add the postscript text I wrote after re-looking the card again.

The "Death" card of tarot has a main theme "the end of things", in some cases also add "the re-start in a new direction". Looking at this card again based on this, I can perceive the lady's accessories, clothes and hair style as hints different from the above.

First, meaning "the end of things" will be of course the scene of "bereavement with an important person". Things symbolizing it are lady's mourning pose and a skull on her hand. Up to this point, it is the same as above.

The difference is that I shall focus on that only the skull is drawn as her lost lover or husband.

If immediately after she lost her lover or husband, it is likely that his corpse was painted. But, on this card, it's only a skull. That means I can think this picture depicts the situation of after some time since she lost him. And I can imagine that while that some time she was sad and mourning him because of her black clothes and her hand on her chest.

While her mourning time, her wounded heart would begin to be healed, so she would be able to decide starting her new life. That she is going to put his skull on the ground means that she is going to end his mourning, I think.

In the case of looking like this, that her mourning clothes is sleeveless and that she doesn't bunch her long hair mean her intent to start new life, I see. Also about her accessories, lots of bracelets mean richness of heritage she received, skull patterned hair accessory means her memories with him, and that she puts on them means that she decided to keep all of them cherishly, I think. Based on these, I see this picture has "the re-start in a new direction" the another theme of "Death" of tarot.

By the way, the god of death flying in the background, I think, means "the sign of death is going away". About it, we can see "some time has gone since the lady lost her lover" or "lady's heart began to heal (the lady let off her urge to die following him)". It plays a same role with the sunrise on the "Death" card of traditional decks, I think.

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:22枚
監 修:結城モイラ
作 画:宮川雄一
出 版:アイア株式会社メディア事業部

  • 雑誌「Chakra(チャクラ)vol.4(パクロス3月号増刊)」の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 解説・使い方などは雑誌の039pより19ページにわたって掲載されていましたが、すでに処分済みです

13番:Death 死神



