Why do we wear a face mask?

Emergency declaration was lifted in last month, my son started to commute. He commutes to work with wearing a face mask just like his father who also commutes from before the emergency declaration is lifted.

That face mask is resumed to sell, and its price is also no longer as high as one period. Thanks to that, I'm able to use disposable masks comfortably, too.

However, I concern a little about face masks.

One day, my son worked for physical labor at the work site at first time. I was worry because he didn't sweat much that day. After then, that next evening, he fevered due to heat stroke. He said, he always wore a face mask at work including during physical labor, and he was reducing the frequency to drink water for feeling troublesome to drink when wearing a face mask.

After all, taking antipyretic prescribed by the hospital, while resting home, he frequently drank sport drink until sweating, and recovered.

(from his fevering until seeing a doctor and from his recover until his return to work were a little hard, but omit)

After that, he is careful by himself and works safely, but he becomes to hate the face mask and seems to wear it reluctantly.

I dislike it too. Because my glasses become to be cloudy by my breath, I don't like it from before, in addition to that, I recently became easier to cough when with wearing a face mask talking to someone. After if removing a face mask and gargling, I almost never cough, so I am suspicious of that fine fibers of a face mask enter my mouth and stimulate my throat.

Nevertheless I go out or meet people with wearing a face mask, because of reassuring them.

In addition, it is undeniable that I feel a sense of security that I don't have to be complained by anyone who blames for not-wearing a face mask. While I couldn't buy it, I witnessed that pharmacy clerk refused to serve a customer not-wearing it by telling with a blatantly disgusting face "why not wear a face mask even if you make it by hand?". Since then, if I go to shopping with no face mask, I feel more scared of people's gaze or behavior than new type corona virus.

At my case, I tend to cough more with a face mask than with no mask, so it's confuse the order of matters but there's no help, I think.

white flowers blooming on a passage in the backyard : 裏庭の通路に咲く白い花

The photo on this post is flowers' one taken with a smartphone in the backyard on May 30. I don't know this flower's name. This is a small and pretty flower but has strong vitality, and grows without permission beside a passage in the backyard. I often step on it unintentionally, but it continues to grow without weakening and eventually fills a passage.

Flowers are nice. Even if we don't know their name, we can love their cuteness and beauty with anyone.

It would be nice if face masks could be also welcome unconditionally, but not so. If I have to wear it at any rate, I want to choice one that can reduce the risk of splash infection properly, and if I shall wear it long time, I want to use one that I don't have to inhale its fibers. What do you think about using very good breathability one because "it's for heat stroke prevention and better than nothing"? What about using masks easily producing fibers because "it's cheap"?

In the first place, because it could lead to a factor of future re-outbreak or it could make human relationships awkward, that people's recognitions may change to "a face mask = evidence of keeping new manners" and that the original purpose ("for infection prevention") may be forgot are very scary, I think.

*** in Japanese ***



