Kyudo (Japanese archery)

Kyudo (Japanese archery) : 弓道

I have to say first of all, I have never done Kyudo (Japanese archery : "Kyudo" is pronounced "kyuh-doh"). While my son who did Kyudo was a junior high school student, I had to go to Kyudo hall together, then, I watched the practice or asked about Kyudo to Kyudo-lovers and rank holders. Here, I will write my impressions and what I learned.

What to wear are Dougi (a uniform), Hakama (Japanese formal divided skirt), Yugake (glove for Japanese archery), etc. : 着用するものは道着と袴、弽など

What I feel to watch the practice of Kyudo are "rationality" and "beauty".

The bow used on Kyudo has very simple form. It has no apparatus for suppressing recoil of bowstring and no sighting. Instead of them, Kyudo archers parry the recoil of bowstring by holding the part of one third below the bow, and aim the target by looking through Nigiri (the part to hold the bow), I hear.

The action for pulling a bow is also rational. Starting on footsteps to the standing position in the shooting range, setting an arrow on a string, lifting a bow with an arrow up, pulling a string (with an arrow), shooting an arrow, seeing the whereabouts of the arrow : This determined action is called "Shaho-Hassetsu" (8 steps for shooting an arrow in Kyudo). If they can do this correctly, Kyudo archers can pull a bow without extra load on their body and can make a form for shooting an arrow to the target naturally, they say.

I cannot explain about forms and actions for shooting an arrow in Kyudo because I have not do Kyudo, but I know that the skillful Kyudo archer's "Sha (form and action and readiness for shooting an arrow)" is very beautiful. A standing form, a form of holding a bow and an arrow, action from lifting up to pulling a string, Kai (a form for aiming the target with pulling a string), action of the moment of shooting an arrow and Zanshin (a form of watching whereabout of an arrow with having conciousness), and also entrance and exit in the shooting range : all of these let us impress how beautiful with no waste they are.

All of Kyudo lovers just earnestly repeat practice of "Shaho-Hassetsu" (with no matter what about age, gender, nationality and ranking). Kyudo has no passive form and no special technique but has only "Shaho-Hassetsu", and after learning it, Kyudo archers repeat practice of it by theirselves. Adjusting of footing for stabilizing the body, setting the center of gravity for stabilizing the aim, adjusting the back muscle, adjusting arm angle, how to hold a bow, how to put an arrow on a bow : all of these, Kyudo archers look for and find and acquire by theirselves. If they can't understand or are comfused about their own practice, they could ask a higher rankers, but it's up to practices by themselves to acquier what they have been taught.

Kyudo lovers' practice that they trial and error to acquire better "Sha", to the layman's eye, looks like only repeating the fixed "Shaho-Hassetsu". Also, no matter how high their hit rate is, if they cannot have done "Shaho-Hassetsu", Kyudo lovers are not convinced and practice more and more to aim idealer "Sha". Their attitudes are very stoic just like Zen training, I feel.

Because they can do Kyudo alone, not few Kyudo lovers practice alone, but all of them cherish cooperativeness very much. It is very dangerous because of causing accidents or injuries that they do Kyudo without cooperativeness. Therefore, to do practices and matches safely, there are many rules for using Kyudo hall and tools of Kyudo, and not only Kyudo lovers but visitors and collaborators have to adhere to them.

By saying "have to adhere to many rules", you may think that Kyudo has only robust rules. Surely Kyudo has robust rules, but all of them are needed for everyone's safety management, and by strict adherence we can naturally enjoy Kyudo safely and smoothly; these are very rational. Kyudo lovers understand these and adhere to rules of course, and as a result, all activities in Kyudo hall are advanced cooperatively and rationally. Such a scene is also no waste and beautiful.

even near one, the target looks far and small : 近的でも的が遠く小さく見えます
the far target is farther : 遠的はさらに遠いです
a scene of practice for shooting the far target : 遠的練習中の様子

If we actually do Kyudo, we will get good posture, cooperativeness and relationship with people of different generation.

More than that, we will get perseverance, perhaps, I think.

In Kyudo, the near target is 28 meters away, the far taget is 60 meters away. For aiming them and hitting an arrow, Kyudo archers need not only physical strength and muscle strength but also mental strength. Even if the aim is only slightly off when of pulling the string of the bow, when the arrow reaches Azuchi (earthwork where the target is set on), the arrow may hit tens of centimeters off the center of the target. Therefore, Kyudo archers concentrate very much when they start to "Sha", shoot an arrow using all of their body and spirit, look back on everytime, and start the next "Sha".

I often used to watch Kyudo while one time, I didn't understand the difference of each "Sha". Even if I understand some difference in posture of each Kyudo lover, because changing of "Sha" of each of them is really subtle, it is very difficult that an amateur like me can distinguish it. Moreover, when I got forgiveness to stand at the shooting position in Kyudo hall and looked at the target, because it looked so far and small, I couldn't really want to aim for it.

"That's why I'm happy when my arrow hits on the target and it will be fun to practice."

Every Kyudo lover I know, including my son, says me that. They all have a refreshing smile when they say so, every time I remember them, I think "there are surely no bad guys who love Kyudo".

Click here for the official site of All Nippon Kyudo Federation.

*** in Japanese ***





