LUA-no spider tarot

LUA's spider tarot


Code No. : None
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : LUA
Creator : Kayo Asahiro
Publishing : Bunkasha
Publication date : unknown

  • Binding appendix of magazine "BUNKASHA MOOK 310 ArteMiss"
  • 10 pages of explanation and how to use for this deck were from 6 page on the magazine, but I have already disposed it.

Death 死 of LUAのスパイダータロット

This deck is one arranged by the supervisor based on Rider Waite edition. The most characteristic change point due to arrange is that persons drawn in cards are all represented by silhouette. Because of represented by silhouette, persons in cards have no facial expressions. So that, when using for fortune telling, we should not read cards' meaning from states of persons but should fit ourselves to the person represented by a silhouette, imagine how to think in the scene drawn or what to do, and interpret them with meaning and keywords, maybe.

The picture of "Death" card in such deck looks like the scenery of that "the man who was a king is dead, the angel who play the death god is appearing where the man who is next king is mourning him, and is going to bring the dead man's soul to the heaven". This implies the meaning of "Death" of tarot "ending of things" and "starting of new things" enough, we can say.

But this picture has various different points from Rider Waite edition that this deck should be based on. For example, an angel is playing the death god, a belonging of the angel is not a flag but a large scythe, and multiple flowers are drawn in this picture, etc. Because supervisor's intentions should be in these changed parts, let us look them carefully.

First, that the scene drawn is a funeral in a wilderness and that sunrise and silhouette of buildings that seem to belong to a town are drawn in the background, are the same as Rider Waite edition. But, different is the point that the angel playing the death god is drawn in the foreground than the dead man. I think that the supervisor shall want to emphasize the being bringing death than the funeral that means the death of body. That the next king (a man wearing the crown) is looking at not the dead man but the angel playing the death god is perhaps why.

Immediately, I try to watch the angel playing the death god.

In general we have the impression that the angel usually wears a white robe, in this picture, the angel wears a black robe. Because he has a large scythe, we can understand he plays a role to bring death. He has a book with white wings by his another hand and has dazzling wings on his back. These would mean he is a messenger working according to the rules fixed by god. Ie, he is a death angel (Azrael), and seems like he is although cruel but doesn't be without love (I guess because of also the rose on his back).

Then, why does he look and hold his scythe at not the dead man but the next king who is living?

What I want to pay attention now is flowers that decorate this scene. It seems that red flowers are red spider lily (Lycoris radiata) and white ones are narcissus. Both are poisonous plants. They are blooming more above and below the next king than around the angel playing death god. Also, narcissus is also piercing in the skull at the feet of the angel. This makes me imagine that someone was brought death (killed) by narcissus (poison).

That is, I can imagine that a dead man lying beyond the angel playing the death god is the previous king and was killed using narcissus poison by the next king who planned to rob throne (imply the power). It will be like that the death angel knows all of that and came here to tell the next king that his death was accelerated due to his sin.

Thinking that way, in this picture, two "Death" could be drawn : death of the previous king poisoned and the next king's death that was accelerated by sin. The former is "artificial (unwilling to the god) death", the latter is in a sense "lifespan (decided by the god)", I will be able to say.

Being able to read intuitively taking a quickly look or being able to enjoy reading deeply, so this card is very elaborate, isn't this?

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:22枚
監 修:LUA
作 画:朝弘華代
出 版:ぶんか社

  • 雑誌「BUNKASHA MOOK 310 ArteMiss(アルテミス)」の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 解説・使い方などは雑誌の6pより10ページにわたって掲載されていましたが、すでに処分済みです

13番:Death 死

