Plumoi tarot card

Plumoi tarot cards


Code No. : (JAN code) 4910037050113
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : unknown (forgetting to record)
Creator : unknown (forgetting to record)
Publishing : EAST PRESS Co., Ltd.
Publication date : unknown

  • Binding appendix of magazine "Koiunreki January 2011 issue"
  • This deck is used in the tarot divination corner of the site "Plumoi the free fortune telling". (Click here for the site "Plumoi the free fortune telling".)

DEATH of Plumoi(プルモア)タロットカード

This deck is used on the corner of tarot divination in "Plumoi" the site where we can enjoy a fortune-telling for free, and it became a binding appendix of a magazine at that time of my obtaining. According to my faint memory, it was a collaboration project between the site operator and the magazine editorial department, I think.

Because it is used for a fortune-telling service to enjoy online, all designs of this deck's cards have a simple impression. It's the same with this card of "Death".

This card has the most black areas in this deck. In that black area, only the skull (face of death god) and the large scythe look white clearly. Therefore, we can understand this card has negative means, at a glance.

But, in the background of the death god, there is a small light, that highlights the silhouette of something like a vine. Also, besides that, there are some twinkles, this picture doesn't have just black.

We can remind far or faint hopes from a small light and twinkles. A vine drawn in silhouette is an only living being in this picture and a plant growing up strongly. This too make us to remind positive things as such vitality or continuity.

In this way, this card, while expressing "the end of things" by the death god, implies "the start of new things" or "there is a little hope" by the background.

In this picture, the creator didn't draw the death god more than necessary but drew twinkles. By these, from this card, we may get an impression that it lacks spooky as "Death" of tarot and beautifies death. But considering that this deck is also used in a free online service opened to many people around the world, I think that is a moderate consideration. That "Plumoi" the free fortune-telling site has provided services since 2013 could be said the evidence (2013 is the year of renewal, so actually "Plumoi" has provided services since before that).

*** in Japanese ***


コード:JAN 4910037050113
構 成:22枚
監 修:不明(記録し忘れによる)
作 画:不明(記録し忘れによる)

  • 雑誌「恋運暦2011年1月号綴じ込み付録」の綴じ込み付録でした
  • このデッキは無料占いサイト「プルモア」のタロット占いコーナーで使われています。(無料占い「プルモア」はこちらからどうぞ)


