Shukumei tarot uranai, original tarot card

Destiny tarot fortune-telling, original tarot cards


Code No. : ISBN 9784875147084
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Ikuyo
Creator : Takako (Ryuko?) Ito
Publishing : Kotsu Times Sha co., Ltd.
Publication date : September 26, 2008

  • Binding appendix of the mook "Spiritual counselor Ikuyo's love fortune-telling for being loved" issued by Kotsu Times Sha.

Death 死神 of 宿命タロット占いオリジナルタロットカード

This is a deck that was a appendix binded in a mook featuring a certain Japanese spiritual counselor and her love fortune-telling. Because the mook's theme was love, it seemed that the main purchase target was young women. Also because the colors of pictures of this deck's cards are bright and colorful, I feel that way.

However, the pictures on each card don't have arrangements biased to women's love. This deck's supervisor and creator arranged them by extracting the main motif of each card and using it symbolically.

I can feel that "Death (Death God)" of such a deck has a picture that emphasizes eerie.

The head of the death god is the first thing I saw. That will be naturally because the white skull is drawn on a dark picture overall. This skull is looking sideways, but has a scary atmosphere that seems to be going to look back us.

Black rose flowers are drawn under the skull. Their petals are black, calyxes are red, and stalks near the root and leaves are green. By this coloring, I can feel that this is a scene the live roses are dying rapidly by the approach of the death god.

By noticing that, I become to feel that something like a black haze that wraps all but the head of the death god is venomous. That something may be miasma of the death god or our negative mind, situation and status that summoned the death god by accumulating. As the former I can remind infectious disease or abnormal weather, and as the later I can remind murderous intention and offence to oneself and others or war. In any case, we don't want them all to happen.

In addition, because the skull wears a crown and the flag like a military flag is fluttering, I can feel that this horrible disaster is powerful and no mercy on anyone.

Well then, can we have no hope at all?

I want to think it makes important sense that the innermost background of this picture is white. Because I think, white often means nothing there but while that, also means "the start from the fresh condition". Moreover, the death god in this picture is looking sideways and not looking at us. That is, we who are watching this picture have some chances to avoid yet, I feel so.

I think such a very horrible type of "Death" picture is warning or lesson from ancestors, for example, "do not enter into any places or situations where someone died". I feel that also in the case of this deck this "Death" picture has an advice from the supervisor "get away from the negative mind or situation or status and make a new start".

*** in Japanese ***


コード:ISBN 9784875147084
構 成:22枚
監 修:育代
作 画:伊藤隆子
出 版:株式会社交通タイムス社

  • 株式会社交通タイムス社発行のムック「スピリチュアルカウンセラー育代の愛されるための恋占い」の綴じ込み付録でした

13番:Death 死神

 そんなデッキの「Death 死神」は、私には不気味さが強調された絵柄に感じられます。
