Enakyo & Enakyo Koen (Ena Gorge & Ena Gorge Park)

After Oi Dam was built on the Kiso River and a dam lake was created, that place was named "Enakyo (Ena Gorge)" because of being recognized as a scenic spot. Enakyo is always flooded with a lot of water, and if getting on the pleasure boat, we can enjoy viewing green surrounding mountains, wide sky and various strange rocks.

I want to recommend also Enakyo Koen (Ena Gorge Park) near the private parking lots. The open space in the front of shops selling local specialty products was renewed in the spring of 2020, and the view from there became even better. When walking around the promenade starting there, with enjoying the view of the dam lake, we can get to know people and things related to Enakyo; a poetry monument of Hakushu Kitahara who was a famous poet and often visited Enakyo: a square with statues of Momosuke Fukuzawa and his wife who worked hard for building Oi Dam: a small island where Benzaiten who has watched over Enakyo sinse ancient times is worshiped, etc.

Enakyo Koen : 恵那峡公園
viewing toward the platform of pleasure boats from the renewed square : リニューアルされた広場から遊覧船乗り場方面を望む
viewing toward Oi Dam from a promenade of the park : 公園の遊歩道から大井ダム方面を望む
a promenade in the park : 公園内の遊歩道
there is also a small island where Benzaiten who watch over Enakyo is worshiped in the park : 公園内には恵那峡を見守る弁財天を祀る島も
memorial square for Momosuke Fukuzawa who worked hard for building Oi Dam : 大井ダム建設に尽力した福沢桃介を記念する広場
there is also Enakyo Wonderland on the opposite bank across Enakyo Ohashi : 恵那峡大橋を渡った対岸には恵那峡ワンダーランドも

There are also many attractions in the surrounding area; Oi Dam with power plant that produces power for Kansai region: Enakyo Ohashi across Enakyo: Enakyo Wonderland (amusement park) with a little retro attraction playground equipments: mallet golf courses utilizing Ena's terrain: etc. In the area a little further away, there are also Stone Museum Hakusekikan where we can learn about precious ores, and shops including Ena-Ginno-Mori or Ena-Kawakamiya where we can enjoy or buy meals and desserts used local ingredients.

Near Enakyo, there are also various hotels, so Enakyo is also a good place to make a tourist base in Tono area (Gifu Prefecture Mino eastern part), I think.

Click here for the introduction page in Ena City Official Tourism Site.

*** in Japanese ***

恵那峡 & 恵那峡公園



