Hachioji Shrine and Komainu statues made of pottery

Many Komainu (the guardian-dog) statues are dedicated to Hachioji Shrine in Okawa, Sue-cho, Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture. In them, the huge Komainu statues watching over the nearest intersection are said to be the biggest in the Komainu statues made of pottery in the world.

the entrance of the road approaching Hachioji Shrine : 八王子神社参道入口
worship hall of Hachioji Shrine : 八王子神社拝殿
hall for dedicating sacred music and dance to Hachioji Shrine : 八王子神社神楽殿

A small mountain is a grove of the shrine as it is. Going through Torii gate and climbing the stairs, we can reach to the precinct where Kagura-den (a hall for dedicating sacred music and dance) is at. The worship hall is further up the stairs from there, from there, we worship the main shrine that is in higher place.

The grove and the precinct like these are the evidence that the shrine was erected in old times and that it has histories of traditions that it has been protected by Ujiko-shu (local believers) since then.

close-mouthed Komainu statue in front of Torii gate : 鳥居前の吽形狛犬
open-mouthed Komainu statue in front of Torii gate : 鳥居前の阿形狛犬
Komainu statues made of pottery by local people are lined belong another road approaching the shrine : もう1つの参道には地元の人々が製作した陶製狛犬たちが並びます
all of them are handmade and rich in individuality : どれも手作りで個性豊か
one size larger Komainu statues : 一回り大きな狛犬たちもいます

In Sue-cho, the production of pottery has been thriving since ancient times, there are still many companies of producing or wholesaling ceramics. Also, people in Sue-cho now built a climbing kiln and named Sue-Yozaemon Gama, and are spicing up the pottery industry. Symbolic of that is a lot of Komainu statues made of pottery dedicated to this shrine. The scenery that they are lining along another slope-road approaching to the shrine is great.

even bigger Komainu statues! : さらに大きな狛犬たち!
powerful appearances viewing from their front : 正面からの迫力満点な姿
also view from another angle...oh? : 反対側からも…あら?
aren't there anything at feet of the biggest Komainu? : 最大の狛犬の足元に何か…?
little Komainu statues are wearing face masks! so cute! : 小さな狛犬たちがマスクしてる! 可愛い!
introducing the manufacturing process of the biggest Komainu statues by photos : 製造過程も写真で紹介されています
they are sitting on the foundation of the firing kiln : 焼成窯の土台の上に鎮座しています
some parts of firing kiln have been left and look like the throne : 焼成窯の一部は残されていて玉座のようです
Komainu statues and the shrine are watching over the town : 狛犬たちは神社とともに街を見守っています

More powerful than that is the biggest Komainu statues made of pottery in the world.

People in Sue-cho built the firing kiln dedicated to them in cooperation and completed Komainu statues. Since their completed, Komainu statues got part of the broken firing kiln as their foundation and are sitting on it in a corner of the intersection of Okawa as guardians of not only Hachioji Shrine but also whole Sue-cho. We will be able to locate them easily on the way from Toki City to Ena City on Route 363, or when we go north on Route 419 from Obara-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture.

The shrine in quiet mountainable area and unique Komainu statues are still watching over this township today.

Click here for the introducing page of Komainu statues in Hachioji Shrine
Click here for the introducing page of the biggest Komainu statues made of pottery in the world.
(Both are pages in the site of Mizunami City Tourism Association.)

*** in Japanese ***






