anan original hana tarot card

anan original, flower tarot cards


Code No. : unknown
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Reika Akatsuki
Creator : Aki Kobayashi
Publishing : MAGAZINE HOUSE, Ltd.
Publication date : unknown (in 2009)

  • Binding appendix of MAGAZINE HOUSE, Ltd. "anan No.1542 The strongest love fortune-telling"
  • Explanation and how to use for this deck were from 88 page on the magazine, but I have already disposed it.

曼珠沙華 of ananオリジナル花タロットカード

This deck's motif is flowers but based on Major Arcana of the traditional decks. Flowers that match the meaning, keywords, and image of each card are selected and applied to the card's design. When applied to the card's picture, the design of flower is arranged well so as not to impair function and distinctiveness that should be as the tarot. Also, the criteria for choosing flowers seems mainly that the language of flowers is close to the meaning or keyword of the card. However, because the language of flowers differs depending on the country or the area or the person who tells, it doesn't always match the meaning of the card. Preferably, this deck should be enjoyed in impressions that people tend to have for flowers and in how to be arranged and applied to the picture of the tarot card, I think that.

No. 13 (the Death) of such a deck has Manjushage (manjusaka : Lycoris radiata) motif. As far as I can find out, the language of Manjushage flower is "sad memories", "give up", "independence", "passion", "reunion", "looking forward to seeing again", etc.. And, its characteristics as a plant include that bulbs and stems and leaves and flowers are all toxic, and that its full bloom time is about mid and late of September, and that leaves and flowers don't appear at the same time. I will watch the picture of this card with these in my mind.

Two flowers of Manjushage are drawn against the background of the dark color. This dark color is maybe the night sky. The yellow moon is also drawn at the top right. This picture has a very simple composition. Probably because the background is the night sky, I feel lonely from this picture.

In the traditional deck that this deck should be based on, this number's card has a picture of the death god in the shape of a skeleton or a picture of the funeral the death god is visiting. Watching this card while reminding that, I can begin to think that Manjushage flowers may be drawn as the death god and the deceased who is about to be buried.

Considering that Manjushage is poisonous, it is understandable that it is given the role of the death god. But, the flower of the role of the death god should be only one. Though because another flower is drawn, I may need to think the shorter one is the role of the deceased. The reason I think that, will be because I know that Manjushage is planted in the ridges of the fields or the cemetery as the vermin-avoid plant taking advantage of its toxicity. The impression that Manjushage blooms at the lonely place with few people has been already established in my mind.

In addition, I also know that Manjushage has another name "Higanbana". It comes from Manjushage being in full bloom about in time of Higan of the autumn. In Japan, "Higan" is said to be "the time when Ano-yo (world of the dead) and Kono-yo (this world) get closer", and is around spring and autumn equinoxes. In novels and comics, Manjushage may be also used as the directing effect in the scenes of thinking about the deceased or in the scenes depicting the world of the dead, because it blooms in autumn Higan or because its flower's color and shape looks like burning flame. However, instead of drawn that Manjushage brings the death to somebody or torments the dead, it is drawn as the symbol of grudges of the deceased or the symbols of bereaved family's passions. From the place where many of its flower can be seen, from its flower's color and shape, and from its flower's appearance that only its buds grow up from the ground and bloom, we may be able to associate a state of quietly accumulating intense emotions in the heart.

Watching again while minding such an impression of Manjushage, I can imagine this 2 flowers not as the combination of the death god and a deceased but as persons who are thinking loved deceaseds over the moon. Because minds and feelings in the time to remember the deceased such as Obon and Higan are quiet and mellow like that for Japanese. Also because this picture has an atmosphere that leads to such minds and feelings. In more addition, the language of Manjushage flower "sad memories" or "give up" or "looking forward to seeing again", would seem to be able to apply to the mind and feeling to the deceased.

This picture may lack horror and hopelessness as "the Death" of the tarot card. But, this is a picture that is quiet yet hides fierce to reminiscent the sadness, pain and soliciting passions or sentiments related to "the Death", I can think.

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:22枚
監 修:暁玲華
作 画:小林晃
出 版:株式会社マガジンハウス

  • 株式会社マガジンハウス発行「anan No.1542 最強の恋愛占い」の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 解説・使い方などは本誌の88pより掲載されていましたが、すでに処分済みです


