I completed a tunic with motifs tether

Finally I completed a tunic with motifs tether I have been crocheting from this spring.

a completed tunic : 完成したチュニック
the edge crochet of the hem is slightly wider : 裾の縁編みは少し幅広にしました

All the motifs are the same shape, as for crochet of the edge, only the hem is slightly wider.

The yarn I used is "Cotton Lace #20" colored ivory sold in Seria the 100-yen shop; (the wholesaler is Gosyo Co.,Ltd.; made in China; cotton 100%; 20g; about 68m). Because I'm fat, I used about 28. So, my tunic is a little heavy for spring and summer clothes. Well, once I get used to it, I won't maybe mind.

Than that, although I have to take a few months for making, I'm so happy that I could get a tunic only with a material cost of 3,000 yen (base price 2,800 yen, consumption tax 280 yen). Because it is very difficult to buy clothes of my size at mass retailers, also because their prices are a little high even if looking for them in online shops.

I want to wear it promptly.

*** in Japanese ***



