Koiunreki original nurie tarot

Koiunreki original edition tarot for coloring

Special version for colored sample

恋運暦オリジナル塗り絵タロット 特別編

Code No. : unknown
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : unknown
Creator : Nobi
Publishing : EAST PRESS Co., Ltd.
Publication date : unknown (in 2008)

  • Binding appendix of EAST PRESS "Koiunreki" May, 2008 issue
  • How to use for this deck was published from 186 page to 187 page on the magazine, but I have already disposed it.

Line art version for coloring by ourselves


Code No. : unknown
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : unknown
Creator : Nobi
Publishing : EAST PRESS Co., Ltd.
Publication date : unknown (in 2008)

  • Binding appendixes published separately for EAST PRESS "Koiunreki" February, March and April 2008 issues
  • How to use for this deck were published from 70 page to 71 page on February issue, from 186 page to 187 page on March issue, and from 180 page to 181 page on April issue, but I have already disposed them.

DEATH of 恋運暦オリジナル塗り絵タロット 特別編

DEATH of 恋運暦オリジナル塗り絵タロット

These are tarot decks that were appendices binded in the fortune-telling magazine that was themed love romance mainly, and there are 2 sets of these, binded to separate in 4 parts. 1 set is a line art version for coloring binded separated in 3 parts, another set is a special version colored by its creator. The line art version deck is larger than the special version so that even beginners in coloring can easily paint.

This deck is for getting the peace of mind by enjoying to color rather than using for fortune-telling. Maybe that would be why not the supervisor but only the creator was announced.

About pictures of each card, they are designed with drawing the leading role and motif of pictures of the traditional deck in large size and with arranges giving a fantastic impression. And, this deck has also the feature that a flower and an animal that match the meaning and impression of each card are displayed in the corner of the frame surrounding the picture.

On this article, I will write while watching the special version for colored sample.

On the "DEATH" card of this deck, a young man wearing the armor and helmet in the shape of not-human skeleton is drawn. Because his face and skin are pale, because of his wear and the scythe he's holding, and because there are crosses that seem to be tombstones behind him, I can see that he is the death god, not a human.

But, his figure is a little different with the death god's one that we envision. It may be because we can't tell just by looking at it what kind of animal skeleton is the motif of his armor and helmet.

The skeleton of his armor and helmet has horns and a beak on its head, big horns also on its shoulders, and also something like big wings on its back. There are horns also on the armor of his arm and wrist, but on its root there is also something like a reptile head. Something like a conch sticks on his feet, and their tips look like heels of his shoes. So those, it seems animal used as material isn't only 1 kind.

In addition, he is crouching on the stone pedestal. The coloring of him, including his skin, is like a stone statue. From this and that his armor and helmet look like a chimera skeleton, I associate the gargoyle. I used a word, gargoyle, it's not a rain gutter of western buildings but the monster appearing in fantasy works. Gargoyles, the monster, are stone statues at the gateway of specific area, and when they detect intruders they start moving and eliminate intruders by taking lives. Their design can be a devil or chimera-like monster combined the characteristics of multiple creatures. If we design a skeleton with that fictitious creature as a motif, it would be able to look like the armor and helmet of this young man, I think.

It's unknown whether himself is such a gargoyle or whether he killed the gargoyle to process into his armor, but in any case it seems that he is a powerful death god and also has the property of staying in a specific place like a gargoyle. I can feel it from this picture. He is scary, but we shall be grateful that we won't have to encounter to him if we are careful not to step into the area where he will start moving.

Decks arranged by incorporating fantasy elements like this may be not always suitable for fortune-telling, and may be not liked by everyone. However, I think that they have fun and joy to make us imagine scenes and stories from pictures just like traditional decks. If we color cards of such decks by ourselves, we can be fond of them and have more fun, I sure.

*** in Japanese ***



構 成:22枚
監 修:不明
作 画:のび

  • EAST PRESS刊「恋運暦」2008年5月号の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 塗り絵版よりも小型です
  • 使い方は同誌の186〜187pに掲載されていましたが、すでに処分済みです


構 成:22枚
監 修:不明
作 画:のび

  • EAST PRESS刊「恋運暦2008年2月号・3月号・4月号」と3号連続で分割して掲載された綴じ込み付録でした
  • 使い方は同誌2月号70〜71p、3月号186〜187p、4月号180〜181pに掲載されていましたが、すでに処分済みです


