Kotaro tarot


Code No. : ISBN 9784391626308
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Yasuko Yamashita
Creator : Aki Kondo
Publication date : unknown (in Mach, 2009)

  • Binding appendix of SHUFU TO SEIKATSU SHA "Fortune of love and marriage '08 spring / summer issue (Separate volume of Junon : Adult women's fortune-telling BOOK)"
  • Explanation and how to use for this deck were on 44 page on the magazine, but I have already disposed it.
  • Data of Code No. and Publication date referred to the informations on the product page of this magazine on Amazon.co.jp

死神 of コタロー・タロット

The features of this deck are that Kotaro (pronounced "ko-ta-roh"), the mascot character of the main magazine, is its motif and that the creator is Mrs. Aki Kondo. Mrs. Aki Kondo is an illustrator who is working on a lot of heartwarming characters such as Rilakkuma, and her illusts have few lines and a neat and simple impression. As usual, also Kotaro, the mascot character of this magazine, is drawn with few lines and has a heartwarming and lovely impression. Taking advantage of this character and her drawing style, only the minimum necessary elements for tarot are drawn on pictures of cards of this deck.

The same is true for the "Death god" card. Kotaro is dressing up as the death god carrying the scythe and is standing in front of the skull, but he doesn't look scary. He is standing with closing eyes, seems like thinking of the deceased (the skull owner). The pattern of his clothes (a tights wrapping whole body?) is pale yellow leaves on green fabric and soberer than ones of pictures of other cards. His carrying scythe doesn't even have a drop of blood. That's not surprising, because it's clear that it has been a long time since the deceased in front of him died.

I think that this picture depicts the thinkings of the creator and the supervisor for "death". Because, I feel that it depicts the mind of "mourning" we have when we see, hear or know someone's death, not something that kills someone or not someone who has been robbed their life. A willingness to share heartache with his bereaved family with thinking of personality and lifestyle of the deceased, or with lookin back for his achievement and thanking; that is what Kotaro in this card is expressing, maybe. In addition, such a willingness arises from a person's conscience, and also leads a person to gentle and right life, I think.

This is a cute illust with a motif of the magazine's mascot-character and few lines and few things drawn, but is also a nice picture that tells important feelings to persons who watch it as tarot.

*** in Japanese ***


コード:ISBN 9784391626308
構 成:22枚
監 修:やましたやすこ
作 画:コンドウアキ
出 版:主婦と生活社

  • 主婦と生活社刊「恋と結婚運 ’08年春夏号(別冊ジュノン 大人の女の占いBOOK)」の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 解説・使い方などは本誌の44pに掲載されていましたが、すでに処分済みです
  • コードと発売日はAmazon.co.jp内の商品ページの記載情報を参照したものです


