Love qabbalah tarot card

Love qabbalah tarot cards


Code No. : ISBN 9784861912788
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Ryuichi Izumi
Creator : Asako Kohama(Furuhama?)
Publishing : Byakuya-Shobo CO.,LTD.
Publication date : June 15, 2007

  • Binding appendix of Byakuya-Shobo CO.,LTD. "Sundari vol.2 June 2007"
  • If you search by this deck's name, you will find a fortune-telling service site where the supervisor is involved, but a deck with different composition and design is used (as of October 2020).

Death of ラブ・カバラタロットカード

This deck is themed the women's love, and finished in a fashionable impression. It is maybe based on the Rider Waite edition. The person corresponding to the leading role of each card of the Major Arcana is focused, and drawn beautiful. By simplifying things other than persons and by placing light colors on the background, pictures become clean and beautiful, so they will make me feel a fashionable impression.

The "Death" card of such a deck has a picture of a young woman dressed as the death god.

She wears a black cloak with a hood, has a skull mask with her right hand and hide half of her face. She seems to wear only underwear under her cloak. Also, red rouge on her lips, stockings with patterned lace, black shoes with stiletto heels, her left hand between her legs... all of this look coquettishly to me.

What she sits on is something white and fluffy. Maybe it is a cloud because the moon is drawn in the background, it also looks like a white cotton bed maybe because the area around her feet is colored pale pink color. She is looking diagonally upward with her left eye under the hood with a smile on her mouth somehow happily, so she seems to be seducing someone (maybe a man).

I wonder if the "someone" who is not drawn is her lover.

The "someone" may be her lover, but it seems that the two are not necessarily in a relationship that promises a future or openly publicizes their relationship with others. Because, from her cloak with a hood like as hiding the secret and from the skull drawn on her mask and on the big moon in the background, I can imagine that the two are in a secret relationship and that their relationship won't be welcomed by those around them.

For women in love, such a young woman who seduces men into a relationship like this shall be a death god-like existence bringing the end to the romance. I see, she is suitable for the leading role of this card.

*** in Japanese ***


コード:ISBN 9784861912788
構 成:22枚
監 修:伊泉龍一
作 画:古濱あさこ
出 版:白夜書房

  • 白夜書房発行「Sundari vol.2 June 2007」の綴じ込み付録でした
  • デッキ名で検索すると監修者が携わる占いサービスサイトがヒットしますが、構成もデザインも異なるデッキが用いられています(2020年10月現在)。


