Amazing tarot

Amazing Tarot

Code No. : unknown
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Ryuichi Izumi
Creator : Takashi Kitami
Publishing : EAST PRESS Co., Ltd.
Publication date : unknown (in 2004)

  • Binding appendix of EAST PRESS "Koiunreki" August 2004 issues
  • How to use for this deck were from 171 page on the magazine, but I have already disposed the magazine.

DEATH 【LA MORT】 of Amazing Tarot

This deck's creator is a famous illustrator who also serves as a university professor, and his style of works painting views of the fairy tale world are impressive. This deck's pictures are no exception, while looking, I feel like I'm in a dream world.

I feel the same by looking the "DEATH" card.

The skeleton that is playing the death god is laughing. It looks laughing enough to make me a strange impression as "oh, the skeleton can laugh, I didn't know", even seems to hear laughter. But, at its foot, corpses are falling apart and rolling, that is a terrible situation. In this situation that happened in the fairytale dream world, this skeleton's laugh is rather creepy.

When looking at this creepy skeleton's laughing face after being fascinated to be into the world of this picture by creator's skill and his style, I involuntarily hold my breath. It's because this skeleton is looking toward us. It seems to be telling us "eventually it will be your turn". It will be because the hourglass is on the skeleton's hand that I feel it's not my turn yet. I should not be the only one to relieved to see that nearly half the amount of sand remains, right?

In other words, if all the sand of that hourglass has fallen, this death god is coming. Will it swing up the scythe with laughing? I'm scared just to imagine that.

However, don't forget. We will die someday as long as we live. Whether we go to the world such like this picture or not, one day, the time will come when the consciousness will break away from the body. This picture makes us recognize it, at the same time, is advising us "you should make good use of the time until then", I feel like that.

*** in Japanese ***

Amazing Tarot

構 成:22枚
監 修:伊泉龍一
作 画:北見隆

  • EAST PRESS刊「恋運暦2004年8月号」の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 使い方は本誌171ページに掲載されていましたが、すでに処分済みです


 言い換えれば、あの砂時計の砂が全部落ちてしまったら、この死神がやって来るということです。笑いながら大鎌を振り上げるのでしょうか? 想像すると、恐ろしくなります。
