Branch with autumn leaves in Sogi Koen

Branch with autumn leaves in Sogi Koen : 曽木公園の紅葉のひと枝

This is a photo I took autumn leaves in Sogi Koen (Sogi Park) in 2019. I could make the red-colored maple leaves to stand out by blurring the water surface of the pond of the park as the background and using sunlight through the trees as lighting. There are many weeping maple trees in Sogi Koen, so I'm fun to be able to shoot autumn leaves from various angles in autumn.

Location : Toki City, Gifu Prefecture
Date : November 19, 2019

Click here for free download of this image.

*** in Japanese ***


2019年の曽木公園の紅葉を撮ったものです。 公園の池の水面を背景でぼかし、木漏れ日を利用して色づいたモミジの葉を明るく際立たせることができました。 曽木公園にはこのように枝垂れたモミジも多く、紅葉をいろんな角度から撮影できて楽しいです。


