I made covers for tissue paper with the remaining embroidery threads

After knitting my hand warmer, I made covers for tissue paper with the remaining embroidery threads I bought at 100-yen shop.

items made with the remaining embroidery threads : 刺しゅう糸の残りで編んだ品々

I made, by crochet, 1 cover for boxed tissue and 2 covers for pocket tissue. Both aren't very good, but they're good for me, maybe.

pulling out the tissue, it looks like this : ティッシュを引き出すとこんな感じ

Because I made one for boxed tissue bigger than the box of tissue, it looks too big. Instead, if it is a small box for 150 sets, I can replace the whole box through the pull-out hole.

Oh, that reminds me, there are thread knots here and there, but you don't need to care. I couldn't know in advance how much embroidery threads I needed, and I intended to use it myself from before starting to knit, so I just saved threads.

these ones are for pocket tissue : こちらはポケットティッシュ用
the back side looks like this : 裏側はこんな感じ

I made ones for pocket tissue without tying threads and switching colors in the middle of the step because I hoped someone I know would take and use them hopefully. When I made orange and green one earlier, I found out about the amount of embroidery threads used, so when of blue and green one, I could afford to put white color between another colors.

About covers on this article, at first I knitted a square crochet fabric by Koma-hogan Ami (grid knitting by 1 single clochet and 1 chain), and at next made shapes by knitting edges together by single crochet. Because I knitted edges with single crochet to each stitch of edge, both a cover for boxed tissue and covers for pocket tissue were made to be shaped like an angry shoulder. I wanted to make them strong, but now I think I might have mistaked in choosing the method of knitting edges.

By making them, I almost finished to use embroidery threads.

But I still have many rests of the knitting yarn, so next time, I'm planning to knit a tunic for myself of next year with those yarns.

*** in Japanese ***





