Wish original ko-akuma tarot card

Sweet little demon tarot cards of "Wish" original version


Code No. : unknown
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Mi-mamoru (Ken-Shu?)
Creator : abo
Publishing : Wonder Book Co., Ltd.
Publication date : unknown (in 2005)

  • Binding appendix of Wonder Book Co., Ltd. "Wish 2005 vol.2 (Kanji-Tengoku February issue special edition)"
  • How to use for this deck were from 44 page on the magazine, but I have already disposed the magazine.

DEATH of Wishオリジナル小悪魔タロットカード

This deck is an appendix binded in a magazine with the theme "Let's be a sweet little demon i.e. a fascinating lady who makes men crazy", is a tarot deck arranged with the same theme. Each card's picture, while having almost same composition as the traditional deck, has a scene that shows how to develope girls' own charm and their feelings of being in love, by using a young women (and her lover) as a motif.

In fact, I'm the type who cherish my hobbies over romance since I was young, so I had almost nothing to do with the effort and the mind states depicted in this deck. As a result, when watching these cards, I don't feel like "Oh yeah, that's right!", but have feeling like looking at the scene from a distance with a thought "Young women are tough, but seem fun".

Even though I'm not familiar with femininity or romance, the picture of "DEATH" card on this deck makes me worried, "Oh, what's wrong? What would happen to you?".

The woman who plays a main role of "DEATH", wears clothes that don't have a good sense, sits on the couch that doesn't taste good, and is smoking a cigarette, the enemy of beauty, with a long pipe. She looks old-fashioned in her make-up, also looks lazy in her gestures, so doesn't seem to be actively trying to improve herself. There is no doubt that she plays the death god because she has a scythe in her right hand, but it seems that she is dying as a woman rather than bringing an end to someone.

Perhaps, I think, "the death god" in this picture is "laziness" and this picture is telling us "If you are lazy to improve yourself, you will lose charm as a woman" by showing a bad example.

However, there are various "attractiveness as a woman", that's all I want to let me add. Otherwise where should I, who have do my best only for my hobby without being fashionable as a woman even since I was young, come in?

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:22枚
監 修:見守
作 画:abo
出 版:株式会社ワンダーブック

  • 株式会社ワンダーブック刊「Wish(ウィッシュ)2005 vol.2(漢字天国2月号増刊)」の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 使い方は本誌44ページに掲載されていましたが、すでに処分済みです


 そんな女性らしさや恋愛に疎い私でも、このデッキの「DEATH」の絵には、「ああ、どうしたの? 何があったらこうなるの?」と心配になります。
