Weeding : the habit I started in 2020

In the late August 2020, I started to help weeding in my mother's garden.

My mother's garden is small, but one she inherited from my grandma, so she cherishes it. She plows her garden and grows and harvests some vegetables, or enjoys to plant and grow flowers given from her neighbors. She also looked happy when weeding several times during the spring - autumn.

But, my mother in the recent years became easy to be disappointed that she felt it harder to maintain her garden as she got older. "I couldn't take care of vegetables any more, so stopped to plow, instead planted flowers' seedlings or oranges' saplings. They don't take as much effort as vegetables, but weeds still grow as before, so I feel weeding is hard and hard ...", she said.

I heard that she is struggling to weed houttuynia, equisetum arvense and wood sorrel especially among them, and that but she doesn't want to use the herbicide because it affects other plants.

So then I searched online to see if there was any other way and found out the video "While releasing the hens in the garden everyday, they ate up the houttuynia". Also, in the other video about the gardening, an elderly female gardener said "Taking care of my garden is weeding anyway, all the time in spring, summer, autumn and winter", I saw.

"I see, it's impossible to weed all the grass at once, but if I keep weeding little by little every day like a hen eats, someday I might be able to weeding even the houttuynia away my mother's garden..."

The strange rivalry that "I don't want to lose to the hen" grew in my heart. So then, I started to weed in my mother's garden. Every day for 15 to 30 minutes, the area is about half a tatami mat to 2 tatami mats, it's really going on little by little.

This work is more fun than I expected! I feel it exhilarating to dig and pull out roots of houttuynia and equisetum arvense, and I feel it fun to weed grasses that is not very strongly rooted one after another. Above all, I'm truly happy my mother will be pleasured with even the slightest achievement.

In addition, I got an unexpected good luck. I have been more likely to cough by even a little dust since I got the flu in January 2020, but I don't cough while weeding. Maybe, it will be good to warm my body from the core by working with the whole body moderately. Herbal components such as houttuynia and other grasses might be also affecting my health somewhat, I'm not sure.

Even though the work is modest, if we get to feel rewarding, pleasure and comfort, we would want to make it a habit. In practice, I'm visiting my mother's garden to weed except on rainy or snowy days and days when the ground is frozen with the frost columns. Even if the houttuynia and equisetum arvense grow up again in the next spring, I will enjoy to weed them without hating it, perhaps. And also in 2021, I will find another something new, and I will surely make and start it a habit.

Senryo (Sarcandra glabra) raised by my mother : 母が育てた千両

This photo is one I took Senryo (Sarcandra grabla) that is one of trees my mother cherishes. It is a tree that is often added to the New Year decorations because it bears brightly red or yellow fruits in winter and has an auspicious name. Leaves of Manryo (Ardisia crenata) that has more auspicious name are also captured in one corner.

  • "Ryo" is an old Japanese unit of money, and "1 ryo" seems to have been worth more than 100,000 yen in modern times, I hear.
  • And "se-n" means "1 thousand", "ma-n" means "10 thousand" in Japanese.
  • You will already see why the names "Senryo" and "Manryo" are auspicious names.

My mother loves these trees and once sown ripe fruits around the garden several times. They sprout in my mother's garden after a few years, probably because she didn't sow them on the cultivated flowerbeds. They sprouted after she forgot them, so until now, sometimes she had stepped on without noticing them hiding in weeds or pulled them out with weeds, I heard.

"This year, you are weeding, so you found young trees that grew up, and it helps me not to lose sight of them."

My mother is so happy that I am now looking forward to the growth of young trees of Senryo and Manryo.

*** in Japanese ***


 これが、思っていたよりも楽しいのです! ドクダミやスギナの根も掘り出して引っこ抜けた時の爽快感とか、あまり根が強くない草が次々に取れる楽しさとか。何より、ほんのわずかな成果でも母が喜んでくれることが、心から嬉しいです。

