Anata-no mirai-wo toushi-suru tarot card (Stella & Fujiwara ban)

Tarot cards for seeing through your future (by Stella & Fujiwara)


Code No. : unknown
Composition : 78 sheets
Supervisor : Stella Maris Nahdia
Creator : Mayuko Fujiwara
Publishing : EAST PRESS Co., Ltd.
Publication date : unknown (in 2007)

  • Binding appendix of EAST PRESS "Koiunreki" June, July, August 2007 issues
  • The company's "Koiunreki" December 2005 issue also included a deck with the exact same name as a binding appendix, but its number of components and the supervisor / the creator were different. Therefore, in this blog, the names of the supervisor and the creator are also listed in addition to the deck name, to dinstinguish them.

The Death of あなたの未来を透視するタロットカード(ステラ&藤原版)

This deck is unusual as a binded appendix to consist 78 cards including the Minor Arcana. It is based on the Rider-Waite edition, and is arranged with the modern painting style. Its finish seems to be a collection of scenes from a fantastic story by minimizing what was drawn and using a lot of gradation in the impressive color scheme.

On "The Death" card in such a deck, a skeleton carrying a scythe on its shoulder is drawn large. The skeleton wears a big and black cloak or robe, and the scythe has decorations in the shape of beast's claws. By these, I feel that the skeleton can be not just a symbol of disaster, but a death god involved in some mysterious power (such as Gods and Buddha or the truth of them).

In the foreground, what seems to be withered grass is drawn, and in the background, sky like a sunset, shadows of birds that seem to be going to their nests and the red crescent moon are drawn. All of these are the motifs that remind me of "late in life".

In such a scenery, the death god carrying the scythe is looking slightly down. He is not looking toward us. Would he be looking for anyone he should bring the end? Or, would he be waiting for the time to move? In any case, I feel uneasy while watching this picture.

"Am I wasting my time? Have I been doing what I have to do? Will I be able to be happy with my life and die?"

Feeling impatient, inflating anxiety, I begin to want to look back my life. And, I'm going to read back my life-logs written in my notebooks.

Every time I watch this picture, I can focus my own mind again and encourage myself like this "I'm going to get and have my happy life before the death god looks toward me (I die)", I think.

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:78枚
監 修:ステラ・マリス・ナディア
作 画:藤原真由子

  • EAST PRESS刊「恋運暦」2007年6月号・7月号・8月号の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 同社「恋運暦」2005年12月号にも、まったく同名のデッキが綴じ込み付録としてついていましたが、構成枚数も監修者・作画担当者も異なるものでした。そのため、当ブログではデッキ名の他に監修者と作画担当者の名前を記載することで、区別しています。

The Death

 そんなデッキの「The Death」には、大鎌を肩に担いだ骸骨が大きく描かれています。骸骨は大きな黒いマントだかローブだかを着ていますし、大鎌には獣の爪を象った装飾がついています。それらにより、骸骨が単なる厄災の象徴ではなく、何かしらの神秘的な力(神仏とか真理とか)に関与する死神なのだろうと感じられます。
「私は自分の時間を無駄にしていないだろうか? 自分のやるべきことをやってきただろうか? 自分の人生に満足して死ねるだろうか?」
