Code No. : unknown
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Nahdia Hoshiura
Creator : Yoko Mill
Publishing : Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha, Ltd.
Publication date : unknown (in 2003)

  • Appendix of Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha, Ltd. "Koiunreki" February 2007 issues
  • I have already disposed the magazine, therefore I can't check the type of gem that is drawn on the each card no longer.


This deck is an appendix of a fortune-telling magazine, arranged to add jewels or precious stones into similar pictures with ones of cards of Rider-Waite edition. It's not possible to find out which stone was added to which card and why the stone was selected because I have already disposed of this magazine. Therefore, when I watch cards of this deck, I enjoy them while imagining various things, "Because it has this color and cutting, this stone may be ...", "I wonder if a stone with a stone word close to the meaning and keyword of the card was selected?", "Does the magic book about tarot describe the relationship between each card and jewels and precious stones?" and so on.

Now I will watch "DEATH" card of this deck, in this article, I will write with paying attention the stone added to this card.

The picture itself on the "DEATH" card is that a god of death in armor on a white horse came to a man's funeral being held outside the city. It has lesser used colors than pictures of other cards, it is about that red is used on the saddle that the death god is straddling on and the center of the coat of arms drawn on the flag, yellow is used on the three persons and on the sun drawn in the background, and blue is used a little on a stream-like part.

The gemstone that is added into this picture is the red part in the center of the coat of arm drawn on the flag. Because we can see lines of the coat of arm that should be under the gemstone, it seems to be a transparent jewel. From the cutting method, I can think it may be either ruby, garnet, spinel, or alexandrite. Many of these stone words, while there are various theories, are vibrant and positive, such as passion, vitality, effort and truth.

The "DEATH" card has meaning as "the end of things", as also you know. Into the picture of such a card, why is the gemstone which has the positive words like this added?

That's because the meaning of the "DEATH" card includes also "restart in a new direction", I think.

Now by re-checking the color scheme, we can see the same color as gemstone that was added to this picture is also used only in the saddle the death god straddles. And, the same color, yellow as the sun is used in three persons who should originally directly involved in vitality.

Considering this color scheme and the above stone words together, I can guess that yellow is used as "the vitality of this world" and red is used as "the vitality of the afterlife". I said "afterlife", but it is not necessarily "the post-mortem world". Especially in the fortune-telling, it can be caught as "things that start anew, different from things that have ended".

Watching the whole of this picture based on that, I notice that red is used with a stronger impression than yellow whose outline is more blurred than red. Thereupon, the death god who should be creepy seems to be telling us "even if what you are working on ends up with dissapointing results, don't be depressed because you can do your best with other new things". I wonder if I'm the only person who feel like that.

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:22枚
監 修:星浦ナディア
作 画:ミルヨウコ
出 版:実業之日本社

  • 実業之日本社刊「MISTY」平成19年(2007年)2月号の付録でした
  • 本誌はすでに処分済みのため、各カードに描かれた石の種類は確認できません。


