Completion of tunic for next winter

In earlier March 2021, I completed a tunic which I started to crochet in autumn 2020. It's made from the remainder of yarns I got many years ago, and will be worn only for housework and weeding at home.

view from the front : 前から見たところ
view from the back : 後ろから見たところ

The pink yarn and the pale orange yarn on the right side part are wool yarns produced over 50 years ago. They were a gift my mother got as a celebration she gave birth to me, but she couldn't afford to knit and remained, and she gave me them some years ago. So then, I gifted her winter vests that I made by crocheting with each color yarn, and she had been pleased with them and wore them this winter as well. Because they are threads with such memories, I couldn't stand to throw away the rest, and I decided to use for making next tunic.

Other 3 colors purple threads are wool ones I bought online some years ago. At that time I was enthusiastic about making crocheted ponchos, I intended to make a roughly crocheted poncho using bundle of these 3 colors threads. But I had just finished crocheting some other ponchos and got tired of crocheting a poncho used these threads, so I re-rolled them in a bundled state and have kept to put them away. This time, I intended to use such threads while re-dividing them one by one from a bundle, but on the way I thought it became troublesome, so I resumed to crochet after re-dividing all of them one by one and re-rolling. The strange stripe pattern at the bottom of the central part of the back body is a remnant of trying to crochet while dividing threads.

: 平置き(前身頃側)
: 平置き(後ろ身頃側)

The crocheting methods used this time are, the single grid crochet (alternately repeating single crochet and chain) for main parts of body and sleeves and the hem of body, and zigzag crochet (alternately repeating single crochet twisted to the right and single crochet twisted to the left) for edges of sleeves and neckline. Also, I used super fine yarns and 2.5mm thick crochet.

After crocheting parts of each color, I made the body by overstitching them, and then, I picked up stitches from the body and crocheted sleeves. After completing the body and sleeves, I crocheted edges of neckline, sleeves and hem.

Because the thickness of the pink and pale orange yarns and 3 purple colors yarns were slightly different, there was a difference in the width and length of each color part I made. But it doesn't affect comfort to wear, and I also like it as unique hand-crocheted taste.

The small mistake I had made may be only that I had not widened the hem in the middle of making it. Well, maybe, the fabric of this tunic will adapt to fit my body as I wear, or my body will get used to the shape of this tunic.

*** in Japanese ***




