Iidaka Kannon Manshoji

Iidaka Kannon Manshoji temple

Iidaka Kannon Manshoji, which is pronounced ma-n-shoh-ji and nicknamed Iidaka Kannon, is an ancient temple in Ena City, Gifu Prefecture. This temple is located in a steep mountainous area in Ena City and dedicated Senju Kannon.

Senju Kannon is Avalokiteshvara with so many arms (1000 arms), and has also an eye in every hand. Its figure is symboled that it always watches over and saves all lives, I hear.

The principal Buddha of this temple also has a wide range of benefits. Especially among them, people living in and around the area believe it has particular benefits to warding off evils, family safety, and traffic safety. I also believe it has powerful benefits for warding off evils and protecting our safety in many way, because it is the principal Buddha of the temple that has survived various disasters since its foundation in early Heian period (8th century).

Iidaka Kannon Manshoji temple (view of the precinct) : 飯高観音萬勝寺(境内の様子)
main temple building and the hall for dedicating to Kannon : 本堂と観音堂
main gate of the temple and bell tower (seen from inside the precinct) : 山門と鐘楼(境内側から)

The precinct and parking lots of Iidaka Kannon were maintained little by little in Showa ~ Heisei periods, so now we can visit by car comfortably. Also, because this temple is far from stations and there are steep slopes on the way, I recommend visiting by car rather than walking. However, there is a risk of traffic jams on the New Year and temple festivals, and in the surrounding area, there is a high possibility of snowfall and freezing of the road surface in winter, so we should have a margin in our schedule and mind with the neccessary equipments of people and cars acording to the season to visit.

By the way, I recommend to visit also Kannon Chaya, that is a teahouse across the road from the temple, after the temple visit. We can have a light meal such as homemade Gohei Mochi, and also we can buy local sweets and seasonings.

The most popular product of Kannon Chaya is homemade Gohei Mochi after all, which was also introduced as "Densetsu-no Gohei Mochi (Legendary Gohei Mochi)" on TV. It has the shape of Waraji type (flat oval), it's delicious with a special sauce that also contains walnuts, so my parents and I think everytimes "We must buy Gohei Mochi of Kannon Chaya after visiting Iidaka Kannon!".

However, we need a little attention for visiting Kannon Chaya. Kannon Chaya is operated by local volunteers and has different business days depending on the season. Also, the number of products and the number of products sold also vary depending on the status of infectious desease countermeasures. So, it's a good idea to check the menu and the numver of products sold or make a reservation, by telephone early in the business hours of the day.

Click here for the official site.

*** in Japanese ***




