Thyme just starting to bloom part 1

Thyme just starting to bloom part 1 : 咲き始めのタイム その1

I use Google Lens when I want to know the name of flowers.
It was also due to Google Lens that I learned these flowers are thyme.
Before then, I just thought "what a very strong plant" because it blooms at a corner of my parents' house's garden every year and spreads year by year, I didn't know it's a kind of herb.
If I shot anyway, I wanted to clearly capture flowers and buds that are adorable in size, shape, and color, so I took this photo with a zoom lens.

Location : Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture
Date : April 12, 2021

Click here for free download of this image.

*** in Japanese ***

咲き始めのタイム その1

私は花の名前を調べる時、Google Lensを利用しています。
この花がタイムであると知ったのも、Google Lensのおかげでした。


