Anata-no mirai-wo toushi-suru tarot card (Tsubaki & KONNO ban)

Tarot cards for seeing through your future (by Tsubaki & KONNO)


Code No. : unknown
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Hisako Tsubaki
Creator : emi KONNO
Publishing : EAST PRESS Co., Ltd.
Publication date : unknown (in 2005)

  • Binding appendix of EAST PRESS "Koiunreki" December 2005 issue
  • How to use for this deck were from 172 page on the magazine, but I have already disposed the magazine.
  • The company's "Koiunreki" June, July, August 2007 issues also included a deck with the exact same name as a binding appendix, but its number of components and the supervisor / the creator were different. Therefore, in this blog, the names of the supervisor and the creator are also listed in addition to the deck name, to dinstinguish them.

THE DEATH of あなたの未来を透視するタロットカード(椿&今野版)

Pictures of this deck's cards have characteristics that the main motif of each card of the famous deck is focused and painted large. They are used only a few outlines and colors, and painted with contemporary painting style, so they have a stylish impression.

The card of "THE DEATH" has the same characteristics, so it makes me feel creepy and scary intuitively because the death god that is the main motif is drawn large. Moreover because it is drawn with a composition that looks up from below, it feels me powerful and that mysterious horror is increasing, too.

What kind of the "Death" did the supervisor and the creator want to express in this picture?

When watching this picture while being aware of the question that I have for any "The Death" card, I can think of myself dying, such as "unwilling death" or "death in fear", and so on. Moreover, that's the scene where I die when I don't want to die.

Perhaps, it's because the death god has not the scythe but tha sword, the blade of the sword is red with blood, the cloak of the death god is also red with blood in the same way, and the death god has not a skelton body but a body like the silhouette.

From the scythe, I can imagine not only the death but also the harvest, from the further, I can also be associated the "fruitful life". However, from the sword, I can imagine using of force such as a war, in addition, since the sword has gold color and the decoration, I can be associated one-sided using of force by persons in power. In addition, the death god doesn't seem to care persons he killed because he doesn't see us, and we can't understand his identity because his body only looks like a black shadow to us. Due to these, I shall get a feeling "I would have been killed unreasonably at unwilling timing".

"Why did the supervisor and the creator decide such a picture even though this deck was an appendix of a magazine?"

I think so every time watching this.

At the same time, I think also "oh, I don't want to die in that way".

I think that was the aim of the supervisor and the creator.

As long as I was born, I don't want to be killed unreasonably, I don't want to die at unwilling timing. I'm afraid to die. I want to live more. I hate the unreasonable loss of someone's life. I have to avoid such a situation.

By looking at this picture, we recall such feelings and come to think "I don't want to meet such a death god", "I want to live more", and "I want to do my best and have a better life"... the supervisor and the creator could have drawn this relentless death god for directing us in these feelings and thoughts, I think.

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:22枚
監 修:椿寿子
作 画:今野恵美

  • EAST PRESS刊「恋運暦」2005年12月号の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 使い方は本誌172ページより掲載されていましたが、すでに処分済みです
  • 同社「恋運暦」2007年6月号・7月号・8月号にも、まったく同名のデッキが綴じ込み付録としてついていましたが、構成枚数も監修者・作画担当者も異なるものでした。そのため、当ブログではデッキ名の他に監修者と作画担当者の名前を記載することで、区別しています。


 その特徴は「THE DEATH」も同じで、主役の死神が大きく描かれていることで、不気味さや恐怖をストレートに感じます。しかも、下から仰ぎ見るような構図のため、迫力もあり、得体の知れない恐ろしさが増している気もします。
