Nierembergia rivularis flowers as if saying hello beside the leaves of lily of valley

Nierembergia rivularis flowers as if saying hello beside the leaves of lily of valley : スズランの葉陰からこんにちは

This is one of photos I took the Nierembergia rivularis flowers in my mother's garden.
Since I wanted to take a photo that conveys its little white flower's shape and structure, I looked for a flower that didn't touch other flowers and can capture the flower stalk and leaves together, and shot it with zoom-up as much as possible.
It was worth the effort and I was able to capture the characteristics of the Nierembergia rivularis during the flowering period; for example, its flower's shape is like a little white star-shaped cup with a yellow inner bottom, its leaf is also little with a tip that ia almost oval, both its flowers and leaves are standing up in the sunshine as if growing to the sun, and so on.
I was satisfied with only that at the shooting time, but when I checked the photo on the PC screen again at a later date, I noticed that the lily of the valley leaves were captured next to that flower and made the composition as if the Nierembergia rivularis flower came out from beside the leaves and was saying hello.
I happened to be able to take a cute photo and smiled unintentionally.

Location : Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture
Date : May 26, 2021

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*** in Japanese ***




