Negai-ga kanau 22 megami + 4-mai-no gofu tarot !!

the 22 goddess tarot including 4 talismans for those who want to make their wishes come true


Code No. : unknown
Composition : 26 sheets (22 sheets as Major Arcana cards + 4 sheets as talismans)
Supervisor : Camellia Maki
Creator : eri
Publication date : October 3, 2006

  • Binding appendix of SHUFU TO SEIKATSU SHA "Shukan-Josei (Weekly Women)" October 17, 2006 issue
  • How to use for this deck is written on both front and back of the deck title part of the paper in the photo above.
  • A card corresponding to No. 0 "the Fool" is No. 22 "WITCH" in this deck.
  • There are typographical errors in the numbers and/or names of multiple cards.

HECATE of 願いがかなう22女神+4枚の護符タロット!!

It was coincidence that I could get this deck. My mother asked me to buy the women's weekly magazine that was binding this deck. If I didn't notice the word "tarot" on a corner of the front cover that I casually saw when handing it over, this deck would have been recovered together with the magazine as a paper resource.

At that time, it was in a middle of the fortune-telling boom, fortune-telling magazines for girls or for young women were published almost every month, tarot deck was often bound as an appendix. But, it was very rare that tarot deck was bound in women's weekly magazine, many of whose subscribers will be older women, so that was a surprise for me who was collecting appendix decks, too.

Surprises for me were not only that. When I checked each card, I noticed some mistakes in the names and numbers. I don't know if those mistakes were production mistakes or just typographical errors, but I was very disappointed. Because I liked this deck's concept.

Its concept is "applying goddesses that appear in myths around the world to each card of major arcana of tarot, let's treat those cards as talismans". The origins of goddesses drawn in each card are, even if only goddesses I know, Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Scandinavian mythology, Egyptian mythology, Hindu mythology, Japanese mythology, and so on. This deck is, to put it better, it's "lots of", and to put it worse, it's "no moderation", but would have inspired women interested in fortune-telling to become interested in myths around the world. And also it would have been easy to try to use for those who are scared of the traditional decks' cards.

I'm sorry for the long introduction.

This deck made me interested in the goddess "HECATE" for the first time. I tried to look it up immediately, but at that time I couldn't learn anything other than "that goddess appears in the Greek mythology and lives in the underworld". After then, I also looked it up on the internet several times, I was confused because the goddess has various titles such as "Goddess of the Moon", "Goddess of Death", "Goddess of Magic", "Goddess of good harvest", "Goddess of fertility", and "Goddess of Night". However, I understood that that goddess has strong elements such as "protecting women", "involved in life milestones, birth and death", and "having a wealth of expertise in magic and agriculture". These are also the characteristics of the Mother Goddess in myths around the world.

It's easy to guess that by being especially focused on the characteristic that "engages in life milestones, birth and death" among the characteristics of this goddess, this goddess was chosen as the main role of this card that should be originally the "No.13 DEATH". Besides, since this goddess governs the night that is more dangerous than the daytime, has many mysterious knowledges, and also brings wealth, this card could be a very powerful talisman. Especially if the person who has it is a woman, maybe.

The picture of this card has the most sober colors in this deck because it applies to the most hated card in the traditional tarot deck. Moreover, only this goddess was painted as an elderly woman, who has nasolabial folds. Probably this may be the most disliked card in this deck. However, I think, perhaps it may be this card that the supervisor and the creator have the strongest affection and wish for.

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:26枚(大アルカナ22枚+護符4枚)
監 修:カメリア・マキ
作 画:eri
出 版:主婦と生活社

  • 主婦と生活社刊「週刊女性」2006年10月17日号の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 使い方は写真の紙のデッキ名記載部分の表裏に記載されています
  • 0番「愚者」に相当するカードは22番「WITCH」です
  • 複数のカードの番号や名称に誤植があります


 こうした女神の特徴の中でも特に「誕生と死という生命の節目に携わる」点をもって、本来なら「13番 死神」に相当するこのカードの絵柄に選ばれたことは想像に難くありません。その上さらに、昼間よりも危険度が高い夜を司り、神秘的な知識も備え、豊穣をももたらしてくれる女神なのですから、このカードは非常にパワフルな護符になり得るでしょう。所持者が女性であれば、なおさらに。
