Sasaragi Tanada

Terraced paddy fields in Sasaragi district

Sasaragi Higashi (Eastern) Tanada : 佐々良木東棚田

Sasaragi Tanada is one of Tanada in Ena City, and it's divided into Eastern and Western part across Route 418. Both Eastern and Western are on relatively gentle slopes, have large rectangular paddy fields and paths for bringing in tractors.

Western Tanada, which is on more gentle slope, has the feature that we can see the spread of paddy fields widely. The features of Eastern Tanada are that it is easier to see the height difference than the spread of paddy fields and that a small house with a thatched roof is in a corner of it.

Where I often visit for shooting is Eastern. Because I like to see the small house with the thatched roof and its garden. Also, there are a house with a nice garden and a hideaway restaurant near, and there is also a roadside station "Rassei Misato" along Route 418 (and Gifu Prefectural Road 66), so fortunately we can also take a break easily.

paddy fields with growing rice plants look like a green carpet : 成長中の稲が緑の絨毯のよう
entrance part for a tractor : トラクターの入口
the summer state of a small house with a thatched roof and its garden : 茅葺の家と庭の夏の様子

i took these photos of this post in summer 2021. I visited Sasaragi Tanada aiming for the time when rice plants were growing remarkable and paddy fields looked like green carpets. It was a fine day in rainy season, so the amount of water was abundant and surface of water in the entrance for the tractor looked shimmering, also trees of the garden of the small house with a thatched roof were lively and foliage. Moreover, I don't show photos in this post, but from there, we can enjoy the nice landscape, being able to view mountains of Keihoku Area (Northern Ena City) and further north.

Sasaraki Tanada is one of the valuable places where we can enjoy the scenery of the agricultural area in Tono region of Gifu prefecture while having a convenient environment for transportation.

Click here for the terraced paddy fields introduction page in Gifu Prefecture official website (including the introduction about Sasaragi Tanada).

*** in Japanese ***




