Shinmai majo girl-no-tame-no witch's tarot card

Witch's tarot cards for novice witch girls

新米魔女ガールのためのWitch’s Tarot Card

Code No. : unknown
Composition : 26 sheets (22 sheets as Major Arcana cards + 4 sheets as elements cards)
Supervisor : LUA
Creator : Kaori Nakanishi
Publishing : Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha, Ltd.
Publication date : unknown (in 2010)

  • Binding appendix of Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha "MISTY" June 2010 issue.
  • Including 4 elements cards written 火(fire), 地(ground), 風(wind), and 水(water), and an unfolded view of the card case for assembly, in addition to 22 Major Arcana cards.
  • I have disposed of the magazine, so I don't know how to use this deck.

死神 DEATH of 新米魔女ガールのためのWitch’s Tarot Card

This deck's creator is a paper-cutting artist, who make pictures by cutting out black paper and expressing light and colors. Her method is well combined with a little dark-fantasic worldview that the supervisor tends to reflect, and made a deck with a different world atmosphere suitable for the words in the title "witch girl".

In the picture of "Death" card in such a deck, the death god is facing us. That was shocking for me. Because, in the case that the death god is the main role as the symbol of death, it is often painted with the composition that it doesn't look at us or the composition that its body is not facing us even if it is looking at us. The composition, like this picture, that both the death god and its horse are facing us is relatively rare and made me feel shocked.

Why was it shocking? It's because we tend to reflexively perceive the skeleton as "death itself", I think.

Usually, we can't see the skeleton of the healthy living body. That we can see the bone means that someone have been seriously injured or that are dead. Especially that we can see the whole skull almost certainly means that its owner is dead. Because we know those by experience or instinct, when seeing pictures or photos of the skull, we imagine someone's death and will have negative emotions such as awe or fear or sorrow.

The composition in which that "death itself" is painted facing us can be expressed the state that death is approaching us. We can sense that reflexively and are easy to make an impression that it's a shocking picture, I think.

What's the reason the death god as "the symbol of death" or "the death itself" in this card is looking at us straightly? I'm going to watch this picture again with this question in my heart.

First, the death god, who is the main role, is riding on the horse. It doesn't have the scythe. The death god is looking at us, but doesn't seem to bring us death immediately. However, I don't feel like I can escape. Its horse is also looking at us, so even if we start to run away, they will soon chase to catch us up.

If I want to escape from the death god's darkness (sign that death is approaching), I seem to have no choice but to aim to run away toward the sun behind the death god. In short, I need to pass by the death god. In those places, two women are sinking down to the ground. Their postures look like clinging to the death god, or like unable to stand up for fear. What is clear is that neither of them are looking at the sun and that the death god doesn't seem to care about them.

I can feel that this picture is asking preparedness and courageous to us (users and viewers). What the death god as the symbol of death shows may be someone's death or a pinch comparable to death. Or, it may be the end of something serious. I feel like I'm being told not to run away from some kind of negative situation like those, to take it as it is, and to overcome without being too obsessed.

The content of something negative to have to overcome will be different for each person, but most of them can be memories, emotions, and events that make that person feel painful just by remembering. At least for me. I cannot overcome all of them at once, but I want to continue efforts to overcome them little by little.

The picture of this card brought out such a feeling from me.

*** in Japanese ***

新米魔女ガールのためのWitch’s Tarot Card

構 成:26枚(大アルカナ22枚+火地風水カード4枚)
監 修:LUA
作 画:ナカニシカオリ
出 版:実業之日本社

  • 実業之日本社刊「MISTY」2010年6月号の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 大アルカナ22枚とは別に「火」「地」「風」「水」と書かれた4枚のカードと組み立て式のカードケースもついています
  • 本誌を処分してしまったので使用方法などについてはわかりません


 そうしたデッキにおける「死神 DEATH」の絵は、死神はこちらを向いています。これは私にはちょっと衝撃的でした。死を象徴する存在として死神を主役にしている場合、死神は私たち(カードを見る者)のほうを見ていないか、見ていても体は別の方向へと向かおうとしていることが多いからです。このカードのように、死神も死神が跨っている馬もまっすぐこちら(カードを見る者)へと正対している構図は比較的珍しく、結構インパクトを感じます。
 このカードにおいて「死の象徴」あるいは「死そのもの」である死神が私たちを直視している理由は何でしょう? この疑問を胸に、改めて絵をじっくり見てみます。
