Salvia japonica flowering in the bush part 2

Salvia japonica flowering in the bush part 2 : 草むらの中のアキノタムラソウ その2

This is one of photos I took when I visited Sakaori Tanada (terraced paddy fields) to shoot the summer view of there.
I wanted to know the name of this grass with pale purple florets, so I shot it so that its florets and flower stalk could be seen clearly for finding out with Google Lens later.
Although as a result it turned out to be a salvia japonica, I had a hard time finding out because there were several other similar grasses and it was difficult to distinguish them.
I was able to find out its name because I could see in this photo how the florets are lined up on the flower stalk and what the florets are shaped like.
I really thank myself on the shooting day for taking a photo showing its florets and flower stalk clearly.

Location : Ena City, Gifu Prefecture
Date : July 26, 2021

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*** in Japanese ***

草むらの中のアキノタムラソウ その2



