Salvia japonica flowering in the bush part 4

Salvia japonica flowering in the bush part 4 : 草むらの中のアキノタムラソウ その4

This is one of photo I took in Sakaori Tanada (terraced paddy fields) in summer 2021.
Because the salvia japonica on farmland is usually weeded as a weed, all of them I found at the shooting day were blooming in the bush near the observatory.
I wanted to capture its pale purple florets beautifully even in the bush with lots of leaves, so I searched flowers that could be taken without being hidden by leaves and took this photo.
I was not able to capture it so large, but I wonder if I could have taken a photo that is able to convey the state of the bush in summer farmland and the flowers blooming there.

Location : Ena City, Gifu Prefecture
Date : July 26, 2021

Click here for free download of this image.

*** in Japanese ***

草むらの中のアキノタムラソウ その4



