My favorite things that helped me during my home recuperation in autumn 2021

In autumn 2021, I had been down with deterioration of physical condition twice.

The first was due to fever due to a side reaction of the vaccine of COVID-19. The fever lasted almost 24 hours from 15 hours after the second vaccination. Fortunately, other side reaction was only fatigue, so how long I was down was only for 2 days.

The second was due to getting a strained back. After noon on October 30th, I suddenly got a severe pain on my right waist and got stuck at all. Because the pain was fortunately lessened much while I lay down, I guessed that the muscle of right waist were hurt by some reason and decided to take care of myself at home. As a result, I was able to do housework after about 2 weeks, and on now, I recovered to be able to operate my PC while sitting on a chair if taking painkillers.

During medical treatments both the first time and the second time, I was worried "what should I do if I don't heal anymore?". Especially while a treatment of a strain back, because the day when I felt pretty good in the morning but the pain returned in the evening continued longer than expected, I had fallen into negative thought enough to be worried "I wonder if it's not really a desease of internal organs".

In that situation, it was "my favorite things" that supported my heart. For example, reading back comics I collected, finding out and enjoying to watch favorite photos and movies, finding images of the exterior and interior of favorite houses, fantasizing about what kind of floor plan to use if I build my house, finding functional and unique stationeries, and so on.

Among those favorite things, the one that made me feel particularly uplifted was next year's pocketbooks. From the many pocketbooks that start to be released every autumn, I select and buy some that seem to be easy to use for me. I already bought pocketbooks also this autumn, so I piled up or lined up them at the bedside, and enjoyed flipping through the pages or fantasizing what to write.

You already noticed that pocketbooks I bought were not one, right?

I use the pocketbook not to manage my appointments, but to manage my life. My main purpose of recording my life log is to look back on how I spent my day and to think about how I will spend the next day. So, all I need is basically only 1 pocketbook a year, but...

I bought these "Rollbahn 2022" : 購入したロルバーンダイアリー

...In 2021, I could not help to buy also Rollbahn pocketbooks that I've always been interested in. Rollbahn's pocketbooks have attractive cover designs. I've suppressed the urge to "want to buy all kinds" every year, but finally this year I gave in to the urge and bought just 2 kinds of M size.

I have not decided purpose to use them because I bought impulsively, also I thought I wouldn't need two, so I presented my son one with the dark green cover.

"How should I enjoy to use one with the cover drawn the lemonade?"

While I was stuck in my bed, I often picked up, watched this pocketbook, turned pages, fantasized how to use, and enjoyed all of them so much that I smiled happily. Thanks to that, I was able to recover safely both physically and mentally without fallen into anxiety and worry.

In a way, my Rollbahn 2022 had been already active, but I want to use it also as its original role, so I'm going to carry it with a comfortable ball-point-pen.

As a side note.

Besides the Rollbahn 2022, I'm going to use a binding pocketbook of the Franklin planner for my lifelog, the EDiT pocketbook of Mark's (1 page for 1 day version, A6 size) as my diary, and the monthly pocketbooks with my favorite character as my driving log. While I lined up these pocketbooks including the Rollbahn 2022 at the bedside, they made me feel so happy that I forgot the pain at my right waist!

*** in Japanese ***



