Nakatsugawa Subaru-no akashic tarot card

Akashic tarot cards by Nakatsugawa Subaru


Code No. : unknown
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Subaru Nakatsugawa
Creator : Yoshihiro Aoki
Publishing : EAST PRESS Co., Ltd.
Publication date : unknown (in 2011)

  • Binding appendix of EAST PRESS Co., Ltd. "koiunreki" No.121 June 2011 issue.
  • Explanation were posted for 5 pages from 92 page in the magazine, but I have already disposed it.

Chief of 中津川昴のアカシックタロットカード

This deck was an appendix of a fortune-telling magazine and the one that was published last among the appendix-decks that I got. Its supervisor is a man who claims to be "an Akashic Record Reader that is able to read the Akashic Record somewhere in the universe", and on this deck's cards, the pictures with his view of the world are painted in CG. I remember that they are based on the well-known deck, but I had thrown away the magazine with the explanations and the arrangement of the pictures is too original, so I can't say that confidencially now. Anyway, there is no doubt that this is an irresistible deck for those who like futuristic fantasy set in space.

However, it is also true that there are not a few cards that we could wonder why it has a picture like this design.

The card equivalent to "the Death" in many other decks is also one of them, it has a picture of someone who is wearing a black robe and a skeleton mask with a scythe and standing against a black vortex like the entrance of a black hole. The card's name is this someone's name, and it is pronounced "chi-i-f" in English but in this deck it seems to be pronounced "che-f" according to the memo I wrote at the time of purchase. And, this someone named "Chief" seems to be standing on the route to the Akashic Record and to play a role like a gatekeeper.

Although I can't check the supervisor's intention more than this, if I watch this card's picture as one of "the Death" card, I may comprehend as a card in the Tarot deck. That's because the black hole in the background is a celestial object that could deserve to be considered the afterlife, and also because, if I think that, I can receive the supervisor's intention that there is a being like the death god on the way to there. However, I can't answer some questions myself. For example, "can the being with a skeleton mask and a scythe even in a outer space?", and "is the Akashic Record in the black hole?". Well after all, when the creator tried to realistically represent "Chief" and "the Akashic Record" of the perception of the supervisor, he painted them as "the death god" and "the black hole", I think that may be just all.

I wrote my somewhat critical impression about this deck in this post, but that's not because I don't like it. Rather, if I can, I wanted to enjoy it as a deck that expands my fantasy because I like both space and fantasy.

However, this deck was published at the bad time, and gave me an unfavorite impression intensely. As you can see from the above overview, this deck was an appendix of the magazine released some months after from the Gread East Japan Earthquake. In addition, its supervisor was a person who claims to be able to read Akashic Records that record the past and the future of the entire universe, so ... it would be helpful if you could guess feelings of me who got it about 6 months after the great earthquake.

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:22枚
監 修:中津川昴
作 画:あおきよしひろ
出 版:株式会社イーストプレス

  • 株式会社イーストプレス刊「koiunreki」No.121 2011年6月号の綴じ込み付録でした
  • 解説は本誌の92ページから5ページにわたって掲載されていましたが、既に処分済みです。


 多くのタロットでは「the Death」に相当するカードもその1枚で、ブラックホールの入り口のような渦を背にして立つ、大鎌を持ち、黒いローブと骸骨の面をつけた何者かが描かれています。カードの名称はこの何者かの呼び名であり、英語読みならば「チーフ」ですが、購入当時の私が書いたメモによると「シェフ」と読むらしいです。そして、この「シェフ」なる存在はアカシックレコードへの経路に立ち、門番のような役割をしているのだとか。
 これ以上監修者の意図を調べることはできませんが、このカードを「the Death」と認識して見れば、タロットカードの1枚として理解できるかもしれません。背景のブラックホールは死後の世界と呼ぶに相応しい天体ですし、そう考えれば、そこへ至る途中に死神のような存在がいることも受け入れられますから。但し、疑問はいくつか残ります。例えば、「宇宙空間なのに大鎌を持った骸骨面の何者かがいるの?」とか、「アカシックレコードってブラックホールの中にあるものなの?」とか。まぁ、監修者の認識する「シェフ」と「アカシックレコード」を敢えて現実的な何かに例えるならば、「死神」と「ブラックホール」だったというだけのことかもしれませんが。
