Emile-no yousei-san tarot uranai

Fairy character's tarot fortune-telling by Emile


Code No. : 4-408-39084-4 → current ISBN 978-4-408-39084-0
Composition : 22 sheets + 1 sheet as spare card
Supervisor : Emile Sherazard
Creator : Jun Yasuhara
Publishing : Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha, Ltd.
Publication date : the 12th print, July 25, 2000 (the first edition, March 9, 1991)

  • An introductory book of tarot fortune-telling derived from a fortune-telling magazine for teenage girls "My Birthday"
  • This deck is for this book only, bound at the beginning of the book, and so we have to cut the cards ourselves when we use.

スリーピン of エミールの妖精さんタロット占い

This deck is based on Major Arcana of famous decks such as Rider-Waite edition, and is an arrangement deck with the motif of the characters that the supervisor considers to be fairies. Some of the characters chosen for the motif are fairies that appear in the myths, legends, and folk tales, but some of them cannot find the source by searching. The characters whose source is unknown are perhaps a fairy characters set by the supervisor. In addition, fairies whose sources are myths are also introduced with focusing on the nature of gentle and meek part that is likely to be accepted by teenage girls who are the main buyers. To be suitable for that, the cards' illustrations are drawn with a cute touch like comics for girls, and look like illustrations of picture books, children's books, or Juvenile Fictions.

I like this kind of fantasically arranged decks. Because I like colorful and beautiful pictures they have and cute characters, but those are not all. From this deck, I feel that its production staff hope and aim "we want to feel the tarot more easily with cute characters as a trigger" rather than sticking to scholarly backing about the fairies or occult or spiritual elements. Moreover, I can feel even an upright spirit for the cute and not-tarot-like illustrations that narrowed down the purchasing group to teenage girls.

This card "Sleepin'" is one of cards that make me feel their upright spirits strongly.

"Sleepin'" is the name of a fairy character that is this card's main role, and according to the supervisor's commentary, he is "a lazy and bad fairy who, finding motivated persons, puts them to sleep with his mischievous magic stick". In this picture, Sleepin' himself is sleeping on a poisonous mushroom. The thin stick on his left wrist is probably mischievous magic stick he uses to put persons to sleep. That stick seems to be so important that he doesn't let go it even while sleeping.

Among the cards equivalent to "the Death", there are not so many cute and comical picture like this card, perhaps. This picture is so cute that I think "I wonder if I'll wake up this mischievous boy by poking this card" or "I feel like I can sleep when I see his this sleeping face even on a night uneasy to sleep". As a side note, the meanings of this card are based on a keyword "deadlock of things", and they don't make us feel fear and sadness intensely.

This deck's cards may have the impression that pictures are too cute and they don't look like tarot cards, but every card has the tarot meaning at their roots, so I think this deck is not bad for a tarot primer for kids. In addition, adults will get healing by seeing cute pictures, and it would be nice to inflate our fantasies from various characters and enjoy them.

*** in Japanese ***


コード:4-408-39084-4 → 現在のISBN 978-4-408-39084-0
構 成:22枚+予備カード1枚
監 修:エミール・シェラザード
作 画:やすはらじゅん
出 版:実業之日本社

  • 10代女子向け占い雑誌「My Birthday」から派生したタロット占い入門書籍
  • デッキはこの入門書籍専用のもので、巻頭に綴じ込まれており、使用する際には自分で切り出す必要があります


 「the Death」に相当するカードで、ここまで可愛らしく微笑ましい絵柄はそんなに多くないでしょう。あんまりにも可愛らしくて、「絵をつついてこの悪戯っ子を起こしてやろうかしら」とか、「寝苦しい夜もこの寝顔を見たら眠れる気がする」などと思ってしまうぐらいです。ちなみにカードの意味も、「物事の行き詰まり」をキーワードとしたもので、恐怖や悲壮感を強烈に感じさせるものではありません。
