Koi-no tarot card uranai

Tarot cards for love fortune-telling


Code No. : 4-408-39133-6 → current ISBN 978-4408391335
Composition : 22 sheets + 1 sheet as spare card
Supervisor : Maggie
Creator : Seiga Inui
Publishing : Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha, Ltd.
Publication date : the 4th print, July 27, 2002 (the first edition, October 10, 1997)

  • An introductory book of tarot fortune-telling derived from a fortune-telling magazine for teenage girls "My Birthday"
  • This deck is for this book only, bound at the beginning of the book, and so we have to cut the cards ourselves when we use.

死神 of 恋のタロットカード占い

This is a tarot deck bound to an introductory book on tarot that is supposed to be the main purchaser for teenage girls. So, both its book and cards have illustrations drawn in the style of manga for girls.

Among the introductory books derived from the same fortune-telling magazine, cards of the deck of this book has the most obvious pictures that it is based on the famous deck. They were drawn with the style of focusing on the main role person of each card of the Major Arcana of the Rider Waite edition and finishing to be illustrations with a casual and bright impression.

In such a deck, the picture of this "the death god" card is an exception. The picture of "the Death" of the Rider-Waite edition has the composition that a skeleton (the death god) riding on a white horse appears at the funeral of the dead man, but this card is different. Although a skeleton is drawn as the death god, it doesn't wear the armor but wear a black robe to hide almost its body, has a scythe in its hand instead of a flag, and doesn't also ride on a white horse. Above all, the bright colors are used much even though it's the picture of "the death god".

One possible reason why the picture was finished like this is that the main buyers envisioned are teenage girls as mentioned above. The supervisor and the creator may have thought that if this card has a terrifying picture, it can make buyers feel creepy and give them a bad impression to the tarot itself.

And, the meaning the supervisor gave this card may be also an important reason. On the commentary page for this card, the supervisor wrote "the end and the start" as its keyword, and "it's a card meaning to throw away the old things undauntedly to be reborn" as the explanation. In brief, she focuses more on the pre-start of new things than on the end of things. Focusing on the start of new things like this may be also a result of being aware of the main purchasing group, in a sense. There is definitely, everyone want to make girls, who will be looking forward to the future, feel the beginning of new things rather than the ending of things, right? That's why.

If you request a mysterious impression and an occultic and dark atmosphere to tarot, you could be disappointed with this card. But, if you want to feel more free to try tarot, or if you want to end the fortune-telling with positive feeling no matter what the result, this deck containing this brightly colored "the death god" could be for you.

For me personally, I felt let down a little to this card's picture, but I also reconsidered; "on my beginning of new things, I may not feel so bad to be seen off by God (even who controls death) in such a bright place". I can't help but be surprised that the color scheme has so big influence that this picture reminiscents me of things other than "death" and "the end of things" as if I forgot that the death god is drawn on this card.

*** in Japanese ***


コード:4-408-39133-6 → 現在のISBN 978-4408391335
構 成:22枚+予備カード1枚
監 修:マギー
作 画:犬井青蛾
出 版:実業之日本社

  • 10代女子向け占い雑誌「My Birthday」から派生したタロット占い入門書籍
  • デッキはこの入門書籍専用のもので、巻頭に綴じ込まれており、使用する際には自分で切り出す必要があります


