22-mai-de uranaeru tarot card book

the Book of tarot cards that we can fortune-telling with 22 sheets


Code No. : 4-07-228387-8 → current ISBN 978-4072283875
Composition : 22 sheets
Supervisor : Mayu Ueda
Creator : Reiko Sassa
Publishing : SHUFUNOTOMO Co., Ltd.
Publication date : June 1, 2000

  • Appendix tarot cards, which we need to cut off for using, are printed on not thick paper unsuitable to be used as cards.

DEATH. of 22枚で占えるタロット・カードブック

Pictures of this deck's cards, which was made based on famous decks such as Rider-Waite edition, were drawn with a touch like an illustration of a picture book. Therefore, even a shocking picture looks like an illustration depicting a scene from a fairy tale. Still, it is also a picture with indispensable elements as a card of Major Arcana of tarot, so it can be used to fortune-telling probably. But, the cards are printed on non-hard and non-thick paper, so unfortunately they are not durable for use as fortune-telling cards.

The "DEATH." card is no exception in such a deck and has a picture with a touch like an illustration of a picture book. If I pay attention to only the style of the picture, I feel nostalgic like I want to remember my childhood. But, when I watch the whole picture, I feel uneasy and get restless. That's just because the scene drawn on it is cruel.

The death god is holding a scythe over, his riding white horse is walking without avoiding people lying on the ground. People lying down are drawn in green or gray, they don't look alive. And, flowers drawn in the foreground make the cruelty of this scene stand out further.

The commentary on this picture in the book says "because the end is inevitable in everything, we have to give up the way up to that point when we just can't do it well, and now we should think about whether clinging to disappointment forever or giving up and looking for a new way", so perhaps the death god with a scythe is a symbol of disappointment and flowers in the foreground are symbols of a new thing we should look for, I think.

Watching this picture even after reading the commentary, I feel uneasy and scared of cruelty same as before that. That may be because I see from the death god swinging the scythe that it's a scene right after he attacked and murdered people. And, this picture makes me think "how unreasonable the death and the end of things will come" and "I definitely want to leave this scene".

It can be after all because the picture was drawn with the style like an illustration of a picture book that I can watch it as a tarot card without looking away reflexively even though it's a picture that makes me feel so cruel. I just think that this picture has a perfect balance of nostalgia like a picture book and cruelty worthy of the "Death" card.

*** in Japanese ***


コード:4-07-228387-8 → 現在のISBN 978-4072283875
構 成:22枚
監 修:上田麻結
作 画:佐々玲子
出 版:主婦の友社

  • 付属の切り取り式カードは、実用には向かない紙に印刷されています。


