A Lot of tarot


Code No. : 4-7765-1130-4 → current ISBN 978-4776511304
Composition : 22 sheets
Author and Creator : RITA-JAY
Publishing : Nihonbungakukan co,ltd.
Publication date : September 1, 2006

  • A postcard book of picture postcards depicting the Major Arcana of the tarot.


This book is a postcard book of picture postcards with the motif of Tarot's Major Arcana. Perhaps because drawn as pictures sent to others, all of pictures of the back of those postcards have a very joyful impression with bright colors used a lot of primary colors and a contemporary and pop touch. A stamp mark, the creator name and the book name are printed on the front side, and the number, name, and concise message of each picture are written at the bottom, too. All those messages are spoken by the main character of each picture cheerful, but have a content with irony casually. Of course their contents are accorded to the meaning of each card, so if you know the tarot, you will find those ironies more interesting.

The "DEATH" in such a postcard book has a picture of a skeleton playing a scythe-shaped stringed instrument surrounded by dismembered corpses. The skeleton as the death god, corpses and around them are painted based on yellow, the background is painted based on red, and they have a bright and cheerful impression, not a sad and dark impression. Also, the message on the front side of the card says "although I treat your lives lightly, thereby you throw away your body and make your soul lighter, so it's okay, right?", in addition to that, a man and a woman who became corpeses are laughing, so I feel this picture is even too carefree and cheerful further.

What kind of situation would the creator have drawn to convince us that such a cheerful and even happy picture is a picture of "Death" or "Death God"? I'm going to think about that.

To die with a smile is, in a sense, an ideal death, probably. Perhaps it is the end of a person who is satisfied when looking back on his own way of life, such as having accomplished something or having a mediocre but sufficiently happy life. In addition, it's also essential that he is ready to do and prepared in advance just enough before dying, rather than being unreasonably killed by someone or something, I think.

That's just my imagination. But, I think that may be pretty close to the scene the creator envisioned and tried to express as "ideal death" at the time of drawing. That's because the creator is the person who wrote the above message. He who is like that would be able to put a lot of irony and witticism into this picture, not draw his ideal death as it is. At least I feel that way.

Next, I'm going to think about what can be said "the death god" in the situation of that "ideal death".

I guess it's the passage of time. No matter how a healthy person who is even in the best environment cannot prevent aging. No matter who we are, our body will eventually weaken and we will reach the end of our life. This is the same in things and events. Even solid buildings will eventually decay or weather. Even the latest technology and theory will be overwritten by the backward ones that exceed them, and will be no longer needed to people eventually. Thinking like this, you will be able to feel "the passage of time" is "the death god" that brings death to all things equally, won't you?

Below, I will write additional things that I would like to say at this chance.
I hope "the death gods" other than "the passage of time" disappear from the human society around the world. May we be able to build a society where people can help each other, without anyone killing anyone. May all the nations be one in which no one threatens the lives of others at the command of someone else. May everyone be able to sleep with peace of mind and to be awakened with hope and joy, in everyday. I sincerely wish and pray for these.

*** in Japanese ***


コード:4-7765-1130-4 → 現在のISBN 978-4776511304
構 成:22枚
著 作:リタ・ジェイ
出 版:日本文学館

  • タロットの大アルカナを描いた絵ハガキのポストカードブックです


