Finished my tunic crocheted with light blue pongee thread

After I had connected body parts of a tunic in February, I crocheted its sleeves.

a state after added sleeves : 袖を編み足した状態

Because holes for sleeve were too big, I crocheted their edges roundly while gradually reducing the stitches, and finally I made the cuffs with a stretchly crocheting method. Even in this state, it seemed to look better. But, the hole of neckline was also too big, so I crocheted the edge to shape it.

a state after shaping the neckline : 衿ぐりも編んだ状態

This is the state after shaping the neckline. Although I crocheted only 4-5 steps, the hole size became just right, the edge of the fabric were also nearly arranged and became to look better. Now, all that remained was the hem.

a state after crocheting the hem's edge : 裾の縁も編み終えた状態
final state of hem's edge : 裾の縁編み

To finish a slightly A-line tunic, I added the hem's edge without reducing the stitches, and I shaped the hem while hiding the stitches of beginning. In the final step, I crocheted a back-simple-stitch and a chain stitch alternately. For this tunic, I chose a simple color, shape, and crocheting fabric, so I chose a simple design for the edges, too.

Photos of the process of making this tunic seem not to have big differences even when lined up, so I don't think its result is interesting to those who have seen it, perhaps. But, it was a little thrilling and fun to me, because had made it haphazardly without blueprints.

This light blue thread still remains, I also have a lot of threads of a different color, so next I will try to make something to wear with a different crochet method again.

*** in Japanese ***





