Ichijo Yukari-no TARROT CARD

Tarrot card drawn by Yukari Ichijo


Code No. : none
Composition : 22 sheets
Supevisor : Ikuyo
Creator : Yukari Ichijo
Planning : Artist Box Co., Ltd.
Publishing : EntreX Inc.

  • This book was once sold only at convenience store "Family Mart".
  • Now, this book is no longer handled by planning company, publishing company, and distributors.


This deck is a set of tarot cards drawn by a popular Shojo manga artist known to draw people aesthetically. About this deck, the publisher was not a publishing company, the sales route was only for chain stores of specific convenience stores, so now it is difficult to find out the details, let alone get this item. Therefore, I don't understand why this deck's name has the word spelled "TARROT" instead of TAROT.

A person or a humanoid existence is drawn on every cards. They has beautiful face and long hair that was drawn elaborately, and wear beautiful exotic costumes. Those are the characteristics of the style of the manga artist with a reputation for portraiture, and great enough to convince us of that manga artist's ability. These pictures are so beautiful that her fans would have bought this deck without missing it wherever its sale route at the time, perhaps.

On the "DEATH" card in such a deck, the death god with a scythe is drawn. His ears are long and pointed, his face is pale. Those show us the existence of him is not obviously human. His gaze is sharp, and he has a nasty smile on his mouth. Those make us feel that he is not friendly to us. In addition, he hides almost his whole body with a black robe, and there are darkness and a withered big tree behind him. Watching this picture makes me feel like "even if I'm still safe now, I don't know when I will be killed, so I can never let my guard down".

Something like this picture, which is like a demon that hides in the dark for aiming at the target in while cleverly hiding its identity and entity, may be the image of "death" held by the manga artist who drew this picture.

However, I get the image of not only "death" but other thought from this picture. That's "malice", as if trying to trap others or rob something, and so on. A little malice could be hidden in everyone's heart, but everyone is usually controlling themselves with staying alert not to be affected our behavior by it, and by doing so, we can be living peacely in our society, I think. If we inflate too much the malice that should have been little, we will create friction with the people around ourselves, or we may sin, and finally we may lose our social status, our conscience and so on. Depending how we see and think, that may be a form of "death", too.

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:22枚
監 修:育代
作 画:一条ゆかり
企 画:株式会社アーティストボックス
発 行:株式会社アントレックス

  • コンビニエンスストア・ファミリーマートのみの取り扱い商品でした。
  • 現在では、企画会社、発行元、販路の関係会社すべてにおいて取り扱われていません。


