Edible flower buds of Japanese butterbur in 2022

Edible flower buds of Japanese butterbur in 2022 : フキノトウ 2022

This is a photo of the edible flower buds of Japanese butterbur that grew up at a very easy place to shoot in a corner of my mother's garden.
They were in the state that they had opened up their lots of overlapping skins and finally got flower buds visible.
This state is the best as a food ingredient because they look good when made into tempura, I think.
But my mother and I like the state just before this, when the flower buds were just beginning to appear, so until finishing to shoot, I was rushed by my mother everyday, "Have you taken photos yet? Can I harvest them already?"
Well, of course, we cooked and ate these edible flower buds of Japanese butterbur with gratitude on the day after shooting.

Location : Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture
Date : March 19, 2022

Click here for free download of this image.

*** in Japanese ***

フキノトウ 2022

ただ、母と私の好みはこの状態の少し前の蕾が見え始めたばかりの頃なので、撮影するまでは、母から「もう写真撮った? もう取ってもいい?」と急かされ続けました。


