Hello Kitty-no tarot uranai

Tarot fortune-telling of Hello Kitty


Code No. : 978-4-270-00549-1
Composition : 22 sheets (+ 2 sheets)
Author : Ryuji Kagami
Publishing : Random House Kodansha Ltd.
Publication date : November 25, 2009 (1st printing)

  • This is a set of a manual book, a deck of 22 Major Arcana, and 22 blank spare cards.

DEATH 死神 of ハローキティのタロット占い

This publication is an introductory book on tarot fortune-telling featuring Hello Kitty, a character that is popular not only in Japan but also in the world. Hello Kitty is depicted as a main role in the pictures on all of 22 cards, and this deck has a different impression with traditional tarot decks. By reflecting Hello Kitty's characteristics, the commentary in the manual book is very easy to understand and written in a tone that speaks gently and kindly.

This picture of "DEATH, the death god" card is one of the symbols of such a deck.

This card's Japanese name is "the death god", but Kitty doesn't play the death god that is the main role of this card. Kitty is just standing on the beach and watching over the hourglass with anxiety. In addition, the color in this picture is bright and vivid, and glitters as a suggestion of hope are dipicted between Kitty and the hourglass just like the light emitted by the sun in the background.

When I dared to look for something equivalent to "the death god" in this picture, I thought it could be "time to pass" to be expressed by "the sand of the hourglass". Gray used for this "sand of the hourglass" is, besides this card, only used for the dress of Kitty of "the Devil" card's picture. While the pictures of all the cards make heavy use of bright colors based on red, pink and purple according to the characteristic of "Hello Kitty" that is kind and compassionate and cheerful, only the part using gray looks dark and sunk. Taking advantage of this, gray is used as a suggestion of the negative meaning, "the end of things" and "weakness of mind that is about to lose to desire". In other words, this deck has only those 2 words as negative meanings, everything else, even if it is the "accident" of "the Tower" card or the "anxiety" of "the Moon" card, is explained with a policy of "being able to convert into something positive with our heart and to overcome".

In this "DEATH, the death god" card's picture, gray as a suggestion of a negative mean is used, but its area is small and the colors of the whole picture are bright. And, the rising sun and glitters that imply the future and the hope are also depicted, the picture doesn't give us bad images by them. On the contrary, it looks even like that Kitty is worried about us. If you are a fancy-lover as me, you may imagine even "the scene that Kitty and you rejoice in noticing the future and the hope" and get the heart-warm feeling.

Good and bad things can happen in any era, in any place. To express both things as results of fortune-telling, cards of a horrible picture with terrible meanings are certainly indispensable. However, I think it's okay to have a deck that was made up of only cards that gently heal and encourage us when we are in anxious situations or in pain. Even I don't have much feeling about Hello Kitty, I can be actually calm while watching this deck's cards, and I feel my heart getting lighter gradually by enjoying to think about how creator expressed the meanings of each card as a picture.

I think this set of a deck and a commentary book is one of valuable introductory books that not only make the tarot fortune-telling easier to learn with a cute character but also increase the possibilities of tarot that we can get a little therapeutic effect by watching and enjoying its cards.

*** in Japanese ***


構 成:22枚(+2枚)
著 者:鏡リュウジ
発 行:ランダムハウス講談社

  • 大アルカナ22枚と2枚の予備カードのセットです。


 この「DEATH 死神」の絵は、そんなデッキにおける象徴的な1枚です。
 この絵の中で敢えて「死神」に相当するものを探すのならば、それは「砂時計の砂」で表現される「過ぎ行く時間」でしょう。この「砂時計の砂」に用いられた灰色は、他には「THE DEVIL 悪魔」のカードのキティの衣装にしか使われていません。「ハローキティ」という優しく思いやりも備えた快活なキャラクターに合わせ、すべてのカードが赤、ピンク、紫をベースとして明るい色を多用する中、灰色はそこだけ暗く沈んで見えます。それを利用して、「物事の終焉」や「欲望に負けそうな心の弱さ」というネガティブな意味の暗示として用いられているのです。言い換えれば、このデッキには、その2つのみがネガティブな意味として組み込まれているだけで、これら以外はすべて、それこそ「塔」のカードの「アクシデント」や「月」のカードの「不安」であっても、「心の持ちようでポジティブなものに変換して乗り越えられる」という方向で解説されています。
 この「DEATH 死神」の絵にはそのネガティブな意味の暗示である灰色が用いられていますが、その面積は狭く、全体的な色使いは明るいです。また、将来や希望を暗示する朝日や煌めきも描かれており、悪いイメージを与える絵ではありません。それどころか、キティが私たちを心配してくれているようでもあります。私のように空想好きな人ならば、「未来や希望に気づいてキティも喜ぶ場面」をも想像して、ほのぼのとした気持ちにすらなれるかもしれません。
